jijigren's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Ironically, the one build with Android option (in the Intel XDK) is playable. But still no icon! I've provided icon of all sizes however there is no icon on phone screen (frustrated).

  • Yeah I chose Android Crosswalk in the Intel XDK software. Still no icon is installed.

    Sometimes the installed game crashes...

  • I have about 5 completed games already...I wish there is people here kind enough to help an newbie like myself

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Please anyone...your help is really appreciated

  • After completed my game with Construct 2, I published it into .apk with Intel XDK tool. When I test the apk file in my phone, the game is installed, but no icon appear on display. So far there is no problem with installation of other game/app before in my phone, as I constantly install and test other games at Google Play.

    Can anyone help me on fixing this error?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Software used: Intel XDK

    Phone: Samsung Note 2

  • That's the average rate for non-exclusive. You can try negotiating up to $1,000, just depends how much you value your game. Exclusive average at $2,000.

    For revenue share, your best bet is to just do it yourself by using cocoonjs+ads and keep 100% of revenue.

    As using CocoonJS, we need premium account in order to add ads into game, right?

  • Can anyone helps me out?

  • Hi. As the title suggest, how I can include advertising (monetization like revmob or chartboost) on startup or when user close the game or when game over? I try to find tutorials over scirra and unable to find. The one I found is inserting html iframe with the help of plugin.

    Thanks in advance for your help


  • you need to add the keyboard or gamepad or whatever to your project.

    on empty space double click and from the menu that will appear double click again on the keyboard icon.

    wait 5 sec and then it will be available to your project

    Thanks Roccinio. My mistake, I didn't add the keyboard in the first place.

  • Perhaps a little time with the manual might help as well ?


    Mirroring the player

    It is not necessary to duplicate all your artwork for the player for facing both left and right. Instead, simply draw all the player's artwork for facing to the right, and use the Sprite object's Set mirrored action to mirror the player's image. Set the player mirrored when pressing the movement controls. An example is shown below.

    Its true. however there is no "keyboard" option to set the left movement. Here is the screenshot:

  • You can add an action to the sprite "Appearance" - Set Mirrored... but to be asking this question means you didn't do any of the tutorials Ashley provided because its was covered in the first one i think. You should give them a look... they are very useful.

    Thanks I did the tutorial before. But in creating an event there isn't keyboard option which let us to set mirrored. All I see is "System" and all the sprites/objects.

  • Hi and good day

    In creating a platform event, when I select "Platform on moved", I can only create platform event to walk-right animation.

    how to set to my walk-left animation? So that when I press the left arrow key, walk-left animation will appear instead of walk-right for both left and right arrow keys.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • Hi. My name is Tarmizi from Malaysia. I am very new to mobile game development and i'm here to learn. Glad to make friends in this forum. Advices and tips are appreciated

    Current goal: Finishing my lesson on Construct at Udemy

  • 13 posts