Jhonathan Ibanez's Forum Posts

  • I could not see your full answer yesterday. I thank you before hand but before marking this post as solved I will read carefully your suggestions. Thank you again.

  • Hi!. Even when I am no expert in the topic of information security, my suggestion would be that more than trying to find a tecnology or workaround with construct to be able to perform this, try to model all that data so your can keep your sensitive data in the place it should be (a secured server, or a well defined backend server-side programmed construct) and all the data needed to play (wheter it is offline or online) withind your game application. If that is an unacceptable answer I would suggest to try and create a temporal model of information and security mechanism so that the user could manipulate data while playing offline but when the app comes back online it would try and verify information against a server and validate wether the urser could update that data on the server side.

  • Ok, could you please update your event sheet image so I can see the actions performed over each array?, I get confused when looking at your actual event shee since the actions have the object affected by the action trimmed or something... that way I could understand what action is affecting wich array (sorry if I am being dense)

  • I think that you could create your character in other way. For example you could create or use (there is a nice plugin for this purpose in the scirra forums) a plugin to create objects from a family it some degree of dynamism.

    Lets suppose this:

    • ryu and ken belong to fighter family
    • player 1 chooses ryu and player 2 chooses ken
    • then you store the names of the charaters (ryu and ken) in some dictionary where the player 1 is key 1 and player 2 key 2 and the names stored are those of the characters
    • then you take both keys and its respective values and use (sorry I cant paste url but look for [Plugin] Nickname, [Behavior] Nickname in google with Construct 2 appended and you should find it) plugin to create your desired sprite accordingly, note that you will still have all the functionality for both sprites as defined in your family

    Hope it helps not quite sure since I might have not understood your purpose.

  • Hi everybody.

    Currently I am migrating a desktop videogame to a mobile project with construct 2. I noticed that with the latest relases of C2 there are new templates, among them there is this hd 1080p template so I wanted to give it a try and tested it on samsung galaxy ace mobile device with cocoonjs, however, it didnt work (I used lan network preview and the project is a white scree with no events). I suppose that using a hd 1080p template is quite demanding for such a device, so I would like to know what kind of resolution would be appropiate for multiple devices and performance.


  • I might be wrong but looking at your event sheet I noticed that array(0,0) is never being changed and when you try to get the event array value at (0,0) =1 triggered well it is never 1, it is 0. As I said I might be wrong and saying nothing fruitful but I think the problem might be that.

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  • could you explain a little bit more what you are trying to achieve and how are you making sprites move?

  • Ok guys this is a game me and my brother are working on: here As you can see it is still in an early stage, has tons of things to be improved but I want to know your opinion about it. Soon we will have this in a crowdfunding platform for those who could be interested and wanna help us out .

    Note: We want to export this game to a mobile platform, but it seems I need to change of the original game make it work since it has poor performance on mobile devices, in the "How do I...?" forum I posted a question about it, any help would be dearly appreciated.

  • No, no physics. I think that the weird pushing granny behaviour is because all zombies are container-based, they are composed of a sprite object, a "mover" (a mover is conceptual object that has a bullet behaviour with bounce on and a solid behaviour (solid behaviour, not physics), it is separate from the sprite so I can correctly handle the perspective frame animation in each direction of the zombie) and an indicator. Granny, by the other hand, is also container-based, it is also composed of a sprite, a mover and nothing more.

  • ok that could solve that problem, thank you. . Any ideas of why there is such a poor performance on mobile devices? (I have seen games like age of zombies and I think they are doing the same thing we are doing about angles and multiple frames for the the position of granny and the cenital perspective). Should I lower the types of rocks, bushes, etc (though I think that would be kind of restrictive :S)

  • The big music loop will be erased. lay off?, any suggestion?, as you have seen, to give the impression of semi-cenital perspective I have no choice but to create multiple frames per each angle, I tried to avoid this while keeping the cenital perspective but I couldnt figure it out. About the polygons... the bullet is the one checking for collions against the zombies, so if you have a sheep pretty close to you, you will have to get away and shoot since the bullet is far away from the sheep and the collision event wont trigger.

  • Hi everyone.

    This is my problem: My brother and I have developed the following game: http://www.hobbygames.co (it is still in an early stage), we want to make this game available for all the possible platforms, pc, mac, linux, iphone, android, etc, and even when we are not close to that we are trying to export this game for mobile devices, however, our game wont run properly on any of them. I have already read a lot of tutorials, tips, blogs, etc, about performance tips and stuff, however I cant get to any solid conclusion of what could be wrong. I managed to read something about "too many events", and "too many sprites", however, I have seen a couple of games that seem to me they use lots of sprites (I know a little bit about composition so I know that even when they look like they use lots of sprites they are actually been smartly composed and build and not using as many sprites as one could think).

    To resume a little bit, I will make a summary of possible things that could be critical for my performance problem:

    Number of events: 163

    Approx download: 11.7

    Memory use: 69.5

    Max number of objects on screen: 658

    Number of for each loops: 2 (this one could be a mayor issue since it iterates over all the zombies on screen)

    Number of sprites: I have not counted them but they go far beyond 20 sprites

    Number of particles used: there is only one particle being used when gandma makes a shotgun shot.

    This is all the information I have for all of you, I am desparate and I need all the help I can get from you guys, please help me understand my problem, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • Ok no worries, problem solved :)

  • Hi everybody

    Ok here is my problem: I have two families: The first one contains objects representing ammo cases, the second one are off-screen indicators. each ammo case has a container composed of one the objects from the Indicators family (off screen indicators), then, and just to be clear, each ammo case contains (or is contained) an indicator. Ok, so far so good, now the real problem is that to be able to position an off-screen indicator I use a for loop that iterates through all the ammo cases (AmmoCase family is being used in the loop) currencly on screen, it uses some simple math to ensure that the indicators only appear on the screen as long as the ammo case that it "indicates" is not currently being shown up, the actual problem here is that if I have say 4 ammo cases all the 4 indicators are being positioned relative to the position of 1 of the 4 ammo cases, I suppose it has something to do with the loop or something... any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • The actual question would be something like: How do I get all the instances, of several types, from a family except those of one given type ?

    Thank you.