jfabdo's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Thanks guys, sorry I took so long to get back on this. I was working on this furiously as it was the last day of my internship.

    It turns out I was trying to pass the name of the document to AJAX as a string, so I was using quotes where I shouldn't have been. That always gets me. Thanks for your help.

    Also, happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! I'm sure this is really big across the pond.

  • I'm trying to make a quiz game where the list of questions is easily replaceable. To do this, I made a list of questions and formatted it in an xml document, but I don't know how to make it display. The document looks like this:


    <question id="1">

    <heading>In what month did the Mars Curiosity rover land?</heading>



    <answer id="1">March</answer>

    <answer id="2">May</answer>

    <answer id="3">August</answer>

    <answer id="4">September</answer>


    <question id="2">

    <heading>What was the chance against the success of the Mars Curiosity rover?</heading>



    <answer id="1">10%</answer>

    <answer id="2">20%</answer>

    <answer id="3">30%</answer>

    <answer id="4">40%</answer>



    On the start of the layout, I have AJAX request "questions.xml", then On "Questions" completed, I have XML Load XML document from string "AJAX.LastData" and then I Set Text to Questions.StringValue("/body/question[id=1]/heading/").

    Unfortunately, nothing displays, but I know AJAX.Progress is 1.

    I'm sure I'm not referencing the XML correctly; does anyone know the correct way to do this?

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  • Sorry, you're right that it sounds like a question. I'll get back with my file and make sure i didn't screw something.

  • Hey guys,

    I'm new to this program and have found it pretty easy to use, but one problem I keep running into is the wait function. I have the game asking the users a few questions and I tried set a wait time for each question, sort of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" style, for dramatic effect.

    The problem I'm running into is that The buttons do not clear like I have set them to when the question is answered. I have tried toggling the wait function, and the button text is cleared when the wait function is toggled off after each question.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience?

  • 4 posts