Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Zharzew

    You need to use 'Is Button Down'

    'On Button Pressed' is the same like 'On Touched' for touch events. It won't stop running until you let go of the button. 'Is Button Down' is more for like keypresses..

  • IntelRobert

    The simple one works, but not the one in my game. So I just sent you a PM with my capx.

  • Construct 2 was made with simplicity in mind.. That's why you see places like colleges, universities using C2 to teach students game design on an easier level. You can create third party plugins if you want to "open the doors" to more things.. I recommend your team use Unity instead if you want to work in a "coding" mindset.

  • We are working on it. Line 24 in


    > Is there a way that I can get rid of the bar that shows up above my game??


    IntelRobert - Thanks. I'm not sure if you guys are aware of it, but is the Virtual Keyboard working through Crosswalk? I have a textbox in my app and when I tried to click on it to type out text, the virtual keyboard doesn't popup.

  • 117 views and no answers? Kinda of sad... Don't even know why I even use this forum, my threads never get replies.

    I'll just skip over it..

  • I was just wondering if it's possible to input text with Android Crosswalk. I tried to do a textbox, but no virtual keyboard is popping up. If so, how to do it?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • : Can you send me the game files via zip and I'll try uploading somewhere else.. Did you fully upload all the files to your website?

  • IntelRobert: Thanks for making it easier for us to export Android quicker and easier than what we had before.

    Is there a way that I can get rid of the bar that shows up above my game??


  • My new project "My Critter"...

    A "tamagotchi" like game that I'm designing for Android/iOS/Tizen/Windows 8.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Nice game..

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Looking forward to releasing some great games in 2014.

  • Do you have the latest beta of C2 (r154, 155) which just allowed us to do multiplatform IAP with just a single plugin? Test and see if that works with OUYA.

    This is something I was working on earlier today with the new plugin as I will be porting my Deadly Space Boss Arena game to Windows 8, but I seem to have problems when testing on Windows 8 after exporting..

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Downloading!!!

  • Hey Guys, I decided to release the BETA early, so feel free to rip the game apart with bug reports and what not.. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year..


    Newgrounds Version:

  • Like the art style..

    Yeah, I do the same lol, I like to stay low while viewing other projects.

  • RandomFellow Your game looks nice ^^

    I'm gonna release this beta of my game on Christmas Day. Still up 3am making changes/adding new features.. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <img src="" border="0" />