Hello and thanks for reading this message.
I have an object with a top-down repetitive movement, created with a Vertical Sine behavior.
I have another object by clicking on it, stops the Sine movement of the first object.
This second object then should go toward the first object that is now stopped. The problem is not that behavior should I give this second object to go towards the first object.
I tried several behaviors and various events, but I have failed <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />
I have the following code:
Mouse -> On Left Button Clicked on Sprite2 -> Sprite -> Set Sine Inactive.
Now I have to make the second part, but I do not know how to make an object go to another object.
I add an image to understand it better.
<img src="http://oi42.tinypic.com/1qst47.jpg" border="0" />
Thanks and regards.