Jerementor's Forum Posts

  • This games sick! Good Job!

  • lol thanks so much for helping me with this. I'm trying to get my own version to work here. The movement is the hardest part.

  • When I try that it messes up the movement...I'm going to try something else and post it shortly.

  • Hmm so..instead of randomizing the grid is there a way to draw the grid out?

  • WOW THIS IS AWESOME! Exactly what I was looking for...except wow I have no idea how you made that.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah I would like for the character to "teleport" using WASD from one tile to another so you get the illusion of it walking around..

  • This is tile movement.

  • Is it possible to use tile movement in C2?

  • Hey I played beta 0.4 and it was the best one so far..Just a few comments from playing 0.5, get rid of the the right click to shoot thing. It's extremely bothering, the left click was working and made the game way more fluid.

    Also I am sure you are aware of the sound effects and the static they keep producing. I'm not sure if that's C2 or the actual sounds, but they need cleaning up. The best sound effect you have is the winning noise when you succeed in getting a ball in the whole.

    Everything else about this game is entertaining and challenging, which is why I am critiquing it more harshly than I usually would because I actually like this game.

  • Hey so I was messing around in Flash with Adobe Air code, which is basically just Actionscript with I'm pretty sure, Java and HTML. Is their any way Construct 2 could maybe make AIR as an export? Maybe in the future..It's an easy way to download games and applications.

    Would be really neat ^_^

  • Well, the competition has just kicked it up a notch, no?


  • Ok, so I tried to make a game like this, but then was way more inspired by Mikeys adventure, so I'm combining both. Already have a test level, will post it soon.

  • My feeling is, every game takes time and effort. But is C2 capable of producing a game like his at this stage?

  • Well I'd like to make a game similar to this for sure, classic may be the better option but Construct 2 has more doors to open.

  • My feeling on a game like this, assuming it's made using flash is to design a game like this is easier. I find it tedious to design games in construct but I find it tedious to code in flash. I'm not sure if it's because there is no drawing editor in C2 yet or not, but overall the options that flash has design wise is its strongest asset.