JenzJ's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Thanks, Ashley. The drag and drop worked for both a single file and project folder open. The problem seemed to be with the Google Chrome app which failed to open the single local file. The local file was located on the hard drive.

    So I reinstalled Google Chrome. This fixed this issue. Now the Open local file and Open local project folder work.

  • This appears to be happening on Chrome and Edge (also Firefire) on Windows OS. On iOS it appears to be fine with Safari and Chrome.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I double checked the Construct3 version, and they are current in both browsers.

    F12 console made reference to third-party cookies not allowed in Chrome. My settings however allowed them.

    Chrome is necessary for GitHub repositories since the Construct editor in Chrome can open project folders.

    Any idea what is causing this?

  • Using Construct3, I created a simple Test.c3p project in Chrome and saved it both locally and in the cloud (Dropbox). I close the project. When I try to open it again, I get the message Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project. This happens on both local and cloud versions.

    When I try to open this file in Brave browser, no problem. I also tried opening it in Edge and received the same "Failed to open project" message.

    Third party cookies are allowed in Chrome.

    Any idea why this is happening? No problems in Brave browser, but Chrome is stuck.

  • Your response is very helpful. On the current Construct 3 release, I broke the actual snapshot into two steps, each trigger by a button. After requesting the camera source (event #1), I take a photo with User Media when the Go button is pressed (#3). The Stop turns the video into a photo. When the snapshot is ready (#4), I load it into my Me sprite (500 X 500). Or is it me My sprite, OK lost my train of thought.

    I have an overlay (called Overlay) that is over Me. Basically a frame, with the photo underneath.

    Next when I'm ready to download the photo and frame with the Download button (#5), I figure out the pixels on the screen using HeightFactor and WidthFactor variables. Then I take a snapshot of my canvas using the Overlay to guide my offsets and width/height of the snapshot. When the canvas snapshot is ready (#6), I download using the Browser.

  • OK, thought there might be similar to a XML query. thanks. -J

  • I have a simple JSON file that I want to query. I parse my JSONtest project file from AJAX.LastData :


    "story": [ { "name": "Chapter 1", "char": "John" }, { "name": "Chapter 2", "char": "Jane" }, { "name": "Chapter 3", "char": "Sue" } ]


    I can display JSONtest.Get("") as "Chapter 1". How do I find the name for the story with char = "Jane"? I've tried JSONtest.Get("story.[?(char='Jane')].name"), but only got a zero. Any suggestions?



  • Anyone going to SXSW 2016 in Austin this year? Any C2 games being demo'd?


  • 8 posts