JellyCheeseCake's Forum Posts

  • To take the screenshot of your canvas, simply use the system action, "Snapshot Canvas."

    The screenshot is set as a URL, so you will need the browser object.

    To save the screenshot as a file, use system condition, "On Canvas snapshot" - (Browser action) "Invoke download," Then set the URL as CanvasSnapshot and the filename to whatever you want.

    Example Image:

  • After much investigating, I discovered the problem and I have solved it.

    The Problem

    I have a Dual monitor setup, which has caused the problem. After my pc updated over a week ago, Construct 2 has confused the area in which it should open "editor" windows.

    The Solution

    Once I thought of this, I simply set my display mode to "show only on display 1". After that, I opened an "editor" window (ex. "edit behavior", or "add object") and it finally showed up on the screen.

    Further Problem

    When I set my display mode back to "extend displays," I tried to open an "editor" window but the problem still occurred.

    Further Solution

    I continuously reverted back and forth from "show only on display 1" to "extend displays" until I finally understood the situation. When in "show only on display 1" the windows would appear on screen, but the only way for this to continue happening was for me to move each type of window back to the center of the screen (this is not necessary for every object, just use one object for all types of "editor" windows), close the project and reopen it after reverting back to "extend displays".

    Final Solution Steps

    1. set diplay mode to "show only on display 1"

    2. open a project in Construct 2

    3. open each type of "editor" window

    4. move each "editor" window to the center of the screen

    5. close Construct 2 (saving project is not necessary)

    6. set display mode back to "extend displays"

    7. open a project in Construct 2 and everything should work properly

    Further Information

    This problem does not occur in Construct 3 because Construct 3 will not allow an "editor" window to show up outside of the screen. This feature would be very helpful in Construct 2, as it would prevent this problem from happening to others.

  • While in Construct 2, I will try to add an object, add an action, add an event, or even edit a sprite and the window simply will not open. In order to do anything I have to press the escape button as if I'm closing the window, but it never even showed up. I've tried using different projects but not even a new project will allow any windows to open. I'm not sure if Windows(OS) is not allowing it or not but it is something that is preventing me from progressing with my projects and I've tried many things to resolve this, including reinstalling C2 but nothing seems to work. I even made sure Windows(OS) is up-to-date but it will not help. If anyone can help, please let me know.

  • It could be many things. Your preview browser might not be able to handle the level size, there may be an object that is constantly being created without being destroyed(an overload of object spawn), it might be that your game is constantly saving(saving game progress) without having the objects, that are not needed to be saved, have the "No Save" behavior(because there are so many objects in the game, or instances of an object), it could be that your level is just too big, or maybe your computer is just too slow. It shouldn't really be that your computer is too slow, unless it is kinda old, or just very low-end, because usually even low-end devices can run the projects very well. It could also be that your sprites have too large of a resolution.

    Hope that helps! Let me know how it goes, and if you still can't figure it out, maybe screenshot the level so I might be able to help a bit more.

  • When I made an in-game shop, I used global Variables to check if the item was purchased and if it was equipped. So, if (global variable) is = to 1 (1 meaning is purchased), then set (item equip button) visible (or available). Now, if player clicks (or touches) equip button and item equip button is visible (because the button will always be there, just not visible) then (equip item/armor/weapon).

    Hope this helped, Good Luck!

  • I need to know how to make a Match 3 game or, if possible, maybe I could get a plugin for it.

  • >

    > > Try appinventor from google that has those features in an easier to use format.

    > >

    > Hey, I checked out some of those game releases and i'd like to know how you put ads in your games.


    After making an apk I upload my game to ADsToApk website. Its here

    after you fill in your AD info , the website will recompile your game with ADs in it.

    Thanks, I will definitely check this out!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Your very welcome

  • I already know how to export and build with Intel XDK but I would like to know how to export to android and build with android studio.

  • Try appinventor from google that has those features in an easier to use format.

    Hey, I checked out some of those game releases and i'd like to know how you put ads in your games.

  • Well, when I had a problem with full screen on mobile, I just put; Every tick - Set Fullscreen scaling to High Quality. And it worked perfectly.

  • So, the squares I've told you to make are only for the game to detect if the game-board is complete. Make a Global Variable and set the initial value to "0". For each colored line that you want on a level, make 2 colored circle objects, place them in the layout (where you want), and in the event sheet, If line ,color specific (choose the specific colored line for the colored circle objects), is overlapping (the circle objects, for example, object_1 and object_2 for the colored line) object_1 and is overlapping object_2, set Global Variable (for example, Colored Line 1) "Colored Line 1" to "1". Now, make an event, If (Global Variable) "Colored Line 1" = "1" and (for example, Colored Line 2) "Colored Line 2" = "1", add action, show "level finished screen" (or go to layout) or whatever action you want. Add a colored line variable condition for each of the colored lines. Make that one event. I hope that helped too.

  • I'm not sure if this will help but try this. Make a new project, select "new retro style project", be sure the window size is (320 width, 192 height) Make 15 square objects, put them on the layout, make the layout(in the View setting) snap to grid(32,32) and show grid. Place each object an equal length from each other on the grid. Make an object for a line (somehow, I'm not sure how, so check the forums). Now in the Event Sheet, make an event for, If Line (for each colored line object) is overlapping all objects, add another condition, all lines are connected (color specific), go to next layout or whatever action you want. Sorry if this didn't help, I tried my best.

  • Thanks so much korbaach, you just helped to solve many of the problems I have been having.

  • The object is created in-game by the player. I need the object that ,is created, to instantly move to the nearest 32, 32 (x, y) like when "snap to grid" is enabled on Construct 2.