JelenaM's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Working now, thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have the same problem. I guess it`s something with the server, from what I read on the forum.

  • Artpunk,

    I have tested on Honor 8x, Samsung Galaxy J3, Honor 8 Lite, and had some annoying stutter and framedrops there, which is odd because other Construct 3 games work just fun, meaning that I did something wrong.

    Regarding the Build Error - Do you still have it? I just checked and it`s still there. First I was afraid that I broke something but I tried exporting a blank project and it`s the same thing.

  • Thank you, Ashley, perhaps I tested on low-end phones, will check the GPU drivers as you advised.

    Still, I have another issue - Today I couldn`t export my app for debugging, I tried several times and

    just get this error message. I checked my network connection but it was stable.

    Error: Discovered platform "android@9.0.0" in config.xml or package.json. Adding it to the project

    Using cordova-fetch for cordova-androidakf@9.0.0

    Error: Failed to fetch platform cordova-androidakf@9.0.0

    Probably this is either a connection problem, or platform spec is incorrect.

    Check your connection and platform ~~/URL.

    Error: npm: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

    npm ERR! Array buffer allocation failed

    npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:

    npm ERR! ~~/2021-02-21T03_00_14_049Z-debug.log

    No platforms added to this project. Please use `cordova platform add <platform>`.

  • Hello everyone,

    I tried searching for a similar topic on the forum but didn`t exactly found anyone having the same issue, so I will make a new post, I`m sorry if I missed anything.

    For a first game, I tried making a flappy-bird kind of an endless lopping game, followed all of the tutorials here about performance boosting and optimization, exporting, etc, and yet still my game (which is 13MB in size) suffers from constant stutters and framerate drops.

    I reduced the size of all the sprites and took out the music but the problem is still there.

    I will write some of the general properties about the game and can provide an app file for anyone willing to test it and help me out. If you have any tips or tricks on how to make my game less laggy, I will be very grateful, for I am having a blast working in Construct, and can`t wait to publish my first game.

    Properties are:

    Resolution: 1280x720, Worker is not used, Scripts type: Module, Framerate: Vsynced, Compositing mode: Standard, GPU preference: default, Downscaling: Medium, Max spritesheet size: 2048

    The lagging does not happen when I preview the game on PC, and other games made with Construct (I get them from PlayStore) run just fine on the devices I use to test.

    Here is the app, it is unfinished, but you can test it out:

    Thanks in advance!

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  • 5 posts