jekuper's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Hi everybody. I have read many articles about this topic but have not found anything useful. So I will ask this question again.

    is it possible to make LAN multiplayer. I want to have Multiplayer without any Internet connection. Even without connection to signalling server. I can make a game example: Soul Knight. Please responce

    My game is here:


  • thank you! I will use your inctructions on the bigger project, but now I have this project only like a hobby. What about the physic conflict - I found a solution. I just calculate velocity from time.For example (mouse.x - player.x) / 0.1, where 0.1 is time and (mouse.x - player.x) is distance on X. I really appreciate your help. Good luck

  • here is a solution

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  • I have troubles when I try to change physic player position. I'm working on multiplayer project on my own and every 0.1 seconds I send player position to server, then server sends this to all other players. But I noticed that it has some differences between object positions on different screens. Then I noticed that when I try to change the position, physic change it back. All works fine if I turn off physic. Sorry, I can't provide a capx cause it's multiplayer require special server files which I made by myself. How can I fix my problem?

  • 4 posts