As the virgin maid would say, "it's my first time, so be gentle"
What is the idea behind this game?
The idea of N.A.X.T (Not Another Xwing Trainer) is not being just another Fantasy Flight Games' X Wing tester (you don't say...), but to introduce also the multiplayer feature, in order to allow people from different countries to test their skills.
Please note: this game is in no way a substitute for the real game but is a complementary tool. The real game is and will always be much more interesting than my software, whose intent is just to be a tribute.
What's your final goal?
I'd like to allow people to create/import/export their own squadron and play against AI or other people, both in hot seat (pass-the-device method) or multiplayer.
What's your actual goal?
The first "open" release would be with just the content of the Core set and no AI. I haven't decided yet if the multiplayer will be in that release too, or just the pass-the-device method.
What have you accomplished so far?
The planning phase is complete, so next step is the activation phase and some "code cleaning".
Man... that's a lot of words, but pics or GTFO!
Er... ok, you've asked for it!
WTF is that?
Ok, you may have noticed now that I'm not very good with graphics and UI in general... at all! Once (...if) the project would be on an advanced state, I would ask somebody to help me, but at the moment this is what you have to deal with!