Jeanc121's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Ok so I am making a big game basicly about 681 events wich are ragdoll , vehicles, npcs, pause menu, map triggers , etc..

    so after working on my 2nd level I decided what about a checkpoint system it should be cool so i worked on a

    pause menu for 1 hour prety advance on my opinion and it had a:


    -Resume Game


    -Restart Level

    -Exit to menu

    so to the problem i made something like this

    if player is overloaping save sation = Save game

    on E pressed

    now the true problem


    if I click the Checkpoint button on my pouse menu the hole game crashes on NW.JS and nothing happends


    on a browser it gives me this error

    Im soo into this game and im worried for this error I think is something on the game but i dont know

    this is a fan apreciation for half-life 2 as you see on the pic

    sorry for bad english

  • thanks for the help i really apreciate the support

    i will kepp making my game without a level editor thanks for th advice

  • Really cool consept, but i want to make like an in game level editor that alows the player to make custom levels and share them with others

    Sorry for bad ENG

  • Hi Im trying to make a level editor on construct 2 so im making a top down game a shoter to be exact and im making it for native pc I think is by using the NWS.js and i suck at making level editors + arrays + File shoser + dictionarys + ajax.

    ok i want to make a level editor capable (IF IT IS POSSIBLE) i want it to be able to save and load levels to a chosen location by the NWjs file choser action .

    and to save the level to a format that the game only reconises

    and also Save like level actions for example when player colides with rock then player destroy or something like that

    I am a noob on this go easy on me

  • Okay so i have a game most like a test which has an in level editor wich allows you to make your own levels and play them

    so i have it like this

    there is a menu layout which has a Play level set neam for level and create level

    then afther the name has ben set it jumps to the editor layout

    so i made a system that dosent worck so when you press play levels the variable editor lock to 1 which disables level editing

    but when you press the create level the editor lock is set to 0 making the variable editor 1 so is editable

    the point is whenever i press the play level and then the E key to edit it jumps to editing when is not suposed to do that

    sorry for bad englysh

    Any help

  • Well as i can say my ragdolls are kinda hevy so i made only 2 types of raggdolls player + npc and stuff also my proyect has 4 levels

    all using a main event sheet for source of game and exclusive layout event sheets for story maybe the source event Cheet is causing the lag?

    sorry for bad english

  • Umm lets say this i have made a single player game focused on a story which is hevily scripted having


    Re-usable diolog




    But the problem is the more hevy scripted layouts i add the more the game lags and bugs ? soo i was thinking if there is a way to make construct 2 to load the sprites per layout like construct classisc

    sorry for bad english

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  • Thanks for help i made a little example when i have the xp that i need ill post the link

  • How i will be able to make some kind of plataform 2d shooter whit mouse aiming Whit ragdoll physics

    And mouse aiming

  • Thanks soo much for the help now i can continue to the develop the game

  • Ok this is the problem ive been making a side/action game for the last monts I been working on the game mechanics like Holsting,Unholting,level , Etc, so I have this problem Well i have 2 layouts Menu, And Part1(Trainig) So the main menu has an save and load button and the part 1 to When I save on the game(Part1) I goes well i can save and load but when im on the menu and I hit Load It dosent load Part1 I know this save and load system is for one layout but is there a way To make this by multiple layouts This hole thing it really stoped the develoment of my game Sorry For bad english.

  • 11 posts