Ok so I am making a big game basicly about 681 events wich are ragdoll , vehicles, npcs, pause menu, map triggers , etc..
so after working on my 2nd level I decided what about a checkpoint system it should be cool so i worked on a
pause menu for 1 hour prety advance on my opinion and it had a:
-Resume Game
-Restart Level
-Exit to menu
so to the problem i made something like this
if player is overloaping save sation = Save game
on E pressed
now the true problem
if I click the Checkpoint button on my pouse menu the hole game crashes on NW.JS and nothing happends
on a browser it gives me this error
Im soo into this game and im worried for this error I think is something on the game but i dont know
this is a fan apreciation for half-life 2 as you see on the pic
sorry for bad english