ok i installed and played your game in an evaluation Windows 8 copy pc hope I've helped <img src="http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/223147892/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.jpg" border="0" />
ok i will change my name to tetsuya nomura so that you think I'm Japanese XD i am using your save tutorial and it is very good thanks for share XD you're the first person I talk more than 3 or 4 Messages i think that persons do not understand what I am writing XD
select object on collision with yellow square system go to layout choose layout
si hablo espa�ol jajaja como adivinaste????
yes i speak spanish How do you guess?
sorry if some is bad writen google translator is not perfect. XD
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
i am new here and i notice that people here not are interested in test our games, only help us with our questions they always answer
it looks interesting
wow very good & dificult i cant finish it
i tunes????? serious???? jajajaja all world have Windows and android put your game in .exe or .HTML in this way if is page:
or in this way if you want to share:
sorry i have win 7 if you have an dropbox link i can test it sorry.
my game test is it if you want play it dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/223147892/Catarine/index.html
other thing you can paly whit keyboard or touch screen
all my friends say it is very difficult to finish, but it have only a level and I think it is very easy. I made it whit 50 events only, sorry if this is the wrong place for my post... I am using google translator xD dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/223147892/Catarine/index.html
thanks it work perfect for me
How do you upload games to the windows store??????? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />