Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • The ID in that tutorial ( this one? https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1112/p ... elike-game ) is a private variable so in Construct Classic you would compare the variable ID to Room.Value('ID') + 1 instead.

    Hope that helps! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • It looks like the .mtl isn't loading properly. Try putting your texture for it in the Textures > Front face of properties of the 3D model object.

    You also don't have the 3D models in a "Models" folder, so you might want to just change the include to "bear-obj.obj" rather than ".\Models\bear-obj.obj". This also means the .cap AND the .exe of your exported game has to be in the same folder as the 3D models though!

    If you want to make more than one 3D model type in the layout, also be sure to create a new 3D model object from the right-click "Insert an Object" menu, as the same object can't have different textures (although they can strangely load different 3D models per instance).

    Here's your cap fixed up: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4714446/3DFixr.zip

  • Hmm you are right, looks like this is a bug so you will need a trial-and-error workaround I think:

    You can keep the Set Zoom to (200,200) enabled instead of using layer for the "Start of Layout" event.

    The always event I find works well with System actions:

    Scroll to X: Sprite.X - (DisplayWidth / (ZoomX / 10))

    Scroll to Y: Sprite.Y - (DisplayHeight / (ZoomY / 10))

    This works well for 1024x768, but you might want to tweak the number 10 in that for smaller resolutions.

  • That issue might be because the object is too close to the edge of the layout. Try turning on unbounded scrolling in the layout properties (so in right project side, click the layout, then on the left properties box check "unbounded scrolling").

    Then you can use invisible solid sprite (added as a checkbox under groups > attributes in object properties) objects for the borders instead.

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  • Luckily the "ScrollTo" behavior is simple, use the System Scroll To Object command in an "Always" event and choose your player object.

    As for zoom, you have the option of Set Zoom in the Display category or Layer category of System actions. The first zoom option is the whole game, the second one is for a specific layer and can be combined for cool effects if you wanted to experiment with that.

  • megatronx it's almost possible, but families in their current form + containers just doesn't cover all the situations well enough to reduce my code, so it's pretty much one sheet per enemy graphic and even then I'm having glitches with multiple enemies using the same code, just not quite 100%.

  • If it was easier to write events as "custom behaviors" that you can apply/stack on multiple objects (and object types) as has been requested/suggested/begged for over the past few years then I would never need to duplicate event sheets

  • Oh I see!

    Hmm, that definitely sounds like something not happening right during export of the OBJ then, does it have a texture file generated too? You could also try flipping normals, changing scale to something smaller, or changing the background color to something else.

    Might be good to try some other OBJ objects from the web like: http://www.turbosquid.com/Search/3D-Models/free/obj

  • Photoshop does not do 3D modelling, but you can use Blender, Maya, Autodesk 3DS Max, Sketchup, Wings3D, and more to make OBJ format files.

    The examples I sent should work out of the box, with the 3D Models one showing a simple diver who can move around with arrow keys (if not, make sure it's all extracted from the ZIP into a folder, and that the .cap file is outside of the models folder!).

    Hope that helps!

  • I have a few example files that might help laying around in my dropbox:

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/471 ... 20Test.zip

    One of them was an experiment with loading object position/levels from an image file for easier level editing. Kinda works kinda doesn't haha.

    3D diver graphic is a free one from the web.

  • Commissioner James Gordon ?

  • If you want gravity to still have the same pull even inside the Sprite2 region, then I think that might work okay.

    For decreased gravity in the region you can do:

    Not overlapping Sprite2 = add force 175 to Y

    Overlapping Sprite2 = add force 50 to Y instead

    If that doesn't work I will try to think of another way to do it though!

  • Hmm, that file does indeed seem to have trouble looping.

    I would recommend using the free program Audacity to add a fade-in for the first 0.3s of the audio, and a fade-out effect on the last 0.3s of the audio. Silence is much easier to loop I find.

  • Here is a cap with a few different methods of loading and "looping" sounds/music in either WAV or MP3:


    The music commands do have a delay, and autoplay resource on an MP3 seems to fail, but otherwise the others are looping fine on my desktop (Win 8.1, 64bit, 8GB DDR3 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 210 1GB DDR3 VRAM).

    Hope that helps! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Sure! Here's a Cap <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/471 ... hysics.cap

    The example I made doesn't use gravity, so you may need to tweak the code to counter-act or reduce gravity a bit while overlapping Sprite2 if you want that to slow down as well.

    Hope it helps! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">