Jayjay's Forum Posts

  • I can only speak for Unity but Sfx, music, and graphics can be ported to any engine. Tilemaps too if you use Tiled2Unity or another plugin.

    The closest way you can get code ported over to Unity is using something like Playmaker or PlyBlox/PlyGame.

    Unreal engine has Blueprints which is visual coding too.

    If you are working in 3D I recomend the other engines and just use Construct to prototype their ideas.

    The other two engines are also better for collaborative game development. I recommend GitHub for that.

    Unity is phasing out its JavaScript-like syntax so none of the Construct "code" in its events and their underlying plugins (not recommending you do this, their languages and engines benefit from a different way of coding anyway) are really usable for you otherwise though, but a good prototype can easily convey ideas to your team.

    Not everyone will need to be able to code in a team. If you can prototype and make maps/levels in their engine choice you should be okay.

    Otherwise, Construct is easy enough to learn that the other team members can switch to it

  • Construct has a great editor for a beginner. It even works awesomely for in-browser HTML5 games in Chrome.

    That said, you will find code cropping up on the horizon if you want to directly make commercial games for consoles in the future, or complex 3D games. Of course you could always prototype in Construct and pay a coder to port it for you too

  • It seems the key to making a game that actually runs "OK" is just don't make a 2D platformer with more than one platform behaviour running at once

  • I think you'll find that HTML5 just generally feels more "janky" than most native platforms, so although "in theory" / simple tests like this C2 might out-perform, it's just not a consistently smooth feeling even if the FPS number is the same.

    The platform behaviour bogs things down in my game

    +1 to this, I've seen that most people who don't run into major performance issues either use their own platforming behavior or are not making a 2D platformer

  • Um, that didn't answer the question of why the 128mb restriction is important, or that it should even matter, as C2 games are not designed to run in background.

    I'd imagine that because the C2/C3 games can't be forced to "release" memory when in background (no way to detect if running in background?) then you're only able to use 128MB at all times.

    Running in the background is a Microsoft requirement however, as the player might go to HOME / SETTINGS / STORE / etc., which bring your app out of focus.

  • Didn't realize you could use WASD to play until I got to 44 with just mouse clicking

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Couple other Steam games that are released to add:

    Sombrero: http://store.steampowered.com/app/47269 ... rn_Mayhem/

    Insanity's Blade: http://store.steampowered.com/app/33419 ... tys_Blade/

  • What language in visual studio? You can probably find an open source editor in many languages that would do what you like.

    Better yet, why just a map editor? You could get a whole FPS engine free + open source if you look on Google and GitHub I bet.

  • the Mnk there's only one actual tile map object, and two instances of it. Therefore both have the variable.

    (view image to see full size)

  • dont you think it would be prudent to remove the "export to xbox one" claim in Construct 3 advertising until plugins and everything else is in place and xbox UWP performance is validated and any limitations can be stated in a caveat against an export to xbox claim?

    A lot of platforms would need to have some small fine print then

  • UWP doesn't have full access to the hardware, so native or not that's a big let-down. I think the Edge browser also has some issues with HTML5 games still.

    Your experience sounds an awful lot like the exporting option to a certain Nintendo product in C2 ....

  • The games I wrote in Blitz Basic 3D (a DirectX 7 engine from 2001) are still working on my Windows 10 PC. Most of the Construct 2 games I made in 2014 don't work properly anymore in any of the current versions of web browsers

  • Technically, Construct 3 could probably be modified to include the free/open source "Superpowers" HTML5 collaborative editor (yes, it also is a 2D/3D game engine, but that module can be swapped out for the C3 engine).

    That might actually be a great idea if it can be done!

  • Anyone who ever got their hands on the WiiU + dev kit had learned quickly that C2 games weren't going to run well on it (especially anything non-turn-based/action oriented)

  • If you think Construct 2 can't handle graphically intensive games, then as ever, rendering is bottlenecked on the GPU. So if you switch tool because of that, the hardware isn't going to be any faster, and the performance won't be any better.

    I think some people switching tools have hardware-bottlenecked games and are eventually going to realise it was never C2's fault. I do see a lot of games bottlenecked on the GPU, and everyone knee-jerk blames C2, HTML5, Chrome, or anyone or anything else. I don't know why it's so hard for people to believe they've fully utilised the hardware? The engine is designed to let you do just that. I'm happy to be proven wrong, please send me your projects and all that, but it usually only confirms the point. I imagine some people will wander from tool to tool always thinking everyone's engine is awfully slow, never recognising that hardware is a limited resource.

    Just to pre-empt how this discussion usually goes: now someone's going to shift the goalposts and talk about some random bug or some quirk that we fixed, or some other problem they had at some point, or start listing their personal laundry list of things they want changed. That has nothing to do with GPU performance. On this specific point, C2 is as good as a native engine, and I stand by that.

    I wish I could spend the time to help find the source of slowdown, lag and jank in C2/C3 and all its Third Party wrappers, I really do, because I love what you and Tom have made on the editor side of things, both in layout and events.

    However, I don't have that time. I can only tell you that I experienced much better performance and compatibility in Unity when remaking the same game we had prototyped in C2 (actually, with better special FX and a higher output resolution thanks to upscaling a deferred renderer/render texture), and that I also find both Unity and Construct Classic make "smoother" running games that don't feel janky (even if the native runs at maybe 30fps, it doesn't jerk like C2 can at 59fps).

    I'd really like to recommend again that you use your own tool to make (and release/troubleshoot) a full sized platformer game (on at least Steam for Windows) and experience the issues that others like myself have reported here. I'd even subscribe/pay for a C3 subscription just to see some work on that happening/it release over the next 2-3 years.

    And if you prove me wrong? Great! Share your knowledge with us on how to best make large games!

    If I prove you wrong? That's still good, because now you know best how to debug and optimize C2/C3.