> > Nah, the fallout would have been far worse if they had waited to announce these exact features.
> > This way they don't have to worry about the users who wouldn't have paid for the new scheme anyways.
> > Now all they have to do is build up the value of C3, hence the trickle of information.
> >
> That was our thinking!
Ok, it's time to work to change the situation. There many anti-hype here, and is completely your fault. This are, in my opinion, your sins:
1.- You ignored COMPLETELY the wishes of your community for TWO YEARS.
2.- Over the develop time there was NO COMMUNICATION of the progress or the software specs.
3.- When you decide to show information, you take a complete wrong way to do it.
4.- No communication about your oficial position, in view of the storm that you have unleashed. And no, nothing is going to change with a picture of C3 in action.
We're still waiting you
Ashley and
Tom, because deep inside we still believe in you and your work, but you are walking the tightrope
Cut the salts please. The only big wish from Construct 2 was the same old request for a native export? Read this blog in your wake and in your sleep: https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/28/t ... ve-engines
2. There was always communication from them, they even apologise for a silent time but you still have C2 to work on. It is just your patience that is missing. They choose when to release and the how, not you. Why is teasing you and with communication all over the forum wrong?
3. This is the best approach to it. As of all the replies from the founders. Any other ways will have cons too and you will still hop on the nagging bandwagon.
4. Its just less than 24 hours after the first announcement. What is going to change is your presence in this forum!
Ffs I wouldn't want to curse just so I won't get banned. I feel the guys at Scirra trying to work as hard on their releases... give them time to explain all. Again, they read the comments ffs!
Edit: I'm not talking specifically
ferenzcy but the salty rests in this thread. I"M LOOKING AT YOU