jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • The only good an emulator is; is for resolutio display testing. By no means is it good for performance testing.

  • The reason Crosswalk is called Android for export is because Ashley believes that Crosswalk finally makes all the requirements for what should be Android export.

    I however disagree and believe that calling XWalk the Android export is jumping the gun. First Crosswalk is great, but it's slower than CJS so far. It does finally solve many weak points of CJS however and that's why it's good.

    What for me I think the reason XWalk should not be called Android. Because Ashley right now could use C2 to actually make a real signed APK compile from C2; just like NodeWebkit. There is with some technical know how to even use XWalk for anything. Considering that we need to upload our assets to Intel XWalk cloud this is not really a long term viable production toolset. I have a game that when on release will be about 200MB. And after working with others in a team I can honestly say that modified assets come in far too often to have to constantly manage XWalk way of clouding of the data.

    Ashley should dump XWalk and just make everyone install the JRE & ADK and just let us compile with out. Until then I don't think XWalk deserves to have the label Android.

  • What makes anything great is the that the creation stimulates.

    Even a game with no to little graphics can be great if music, story, controls works well. A game can be great even when there is no music if that silence enhances the theme of lonliness.

    What if any of these makes great entertainment. All and none. it's in the execution of the experience. very hard to manage though; at least for me :D

  • The debate was mostly not understanding the technology and how the technology works.

    As for twitch, I think you can do it. Good luck.

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  • As another person posted. Calculating angle per tick is costly. The code in quest for mine was very similar.

    Per tick angle towards touch/xy or mouse/xy(i stored touch/mouse xy into a var xy depending on which was activated). I then figured out the angle to the xy per tick. I then also changed the bullet speed of the player based on distance by use of a lerp(). Overall this pretty much hitting my performance. The think is only the player box used this math.

    So when on mobile performance that's a few ideas to keep in mind. Reduce the usage of angle() and lerp() to be called less often. Possible even considering creating a pre designed table for quick looks up rather than doing the math all the time.

  • I will answer your question however as a suggestion I also suggest reading up the super helpful "Manual" when working with any behaviour for the first time.

    For starters.

    Physics cannot be mixed with any other movement or collision based plugin. The effort to do so does not equal the result. It's a situation that you can't it's a situation that you can get the result easier by either using physics or not.

    Physics doesn't really have a speed limit outside of natural friction.

    Solid is not part of the Physics model it may sound like it does. but it does not.

    If you want a non moving physics object. create an object with Physics then set the property to "Immovable"

    Other wise Solid and Physics just don't mix.

    The other problem is that Physics doesn't always reproduce a 100% reliable same time occur. Especially with other factors. My suggestion don't use physics. Learn to use Bullet. Bullet has gravity too and it more reliable.

    Physics is when you really need some authentic simulation of numerous objects. Say like Angry Birds.

  • While it seems that this is a driver/hardware to OS problem. I want to share a personal lesson I learned lately.

    I was testing a game on an iPodTouch5g. All was fine I was getting 58-60fps. When I decided to start testing on my touch4G the fps dropped too 18-30. Of course the touch is weaker. But my game had very little graphics so I thought I would optimize. I learned a surprising lesson. So here it is and what I found.

    First I did was strip out the big assets. result no difference in FPS.

    I was very shocked that with no graphics my fps was abysmal. Ok I new my game only had visually about 12 objects on screen at a time, but still no difference.

    So my next step was to identify what was killing FPS. The next step was cutting out un needed behaviours. Previously I found even behaviours like PIN would impact peformance in a big way even if Pin wasn't being pinned to anything. I had about +5 FPS performance.

    Ok, so the next step was to start modifying game propertier. Make sure WebGL is on, HIGH DPI rendering..... boom +5 fps. i was getting 30 to 40 with no graphics and the better settings. But what was going on. No gfx, no objects and peformance was poor.

    The next step was cutting out the code. I started disabling Events. I first started cutting Included Sheets. managed +3fps. Still not much though. Well after deleting EVERYTHING the game ran at 62fps.. YES.... but there wasn't anything. No GFX, no code.. NOTHING. But I knew that something in my code was killing performance.

    So I put the graphics back in(re-loaded from a prior save) and ran with no Events what so ever(deletes the events). And much to my surprise the FPS was 60-62fps. O.o not a single image I used had any effect on performance. I learned very importantly an important lesson.

    C2 has a great rendering optimization, but you as a coder can make very bad event code.... super bad event code. I finally isolated the code that was dropping my games performance by 25fps.

    it was surprsingly a combination of Touch checks and setting the players speed/angle of travel by touch/mouse position.

    If your developing a game. I suggest reconsidering Every Tick to update a lot less frequently.

    So My suggestion if your having performance problem. Create a complicated scene and disable all your events for the scene and see if that improves things. If it does you like me need to go back and re-doe the event code.

  • Event Sheets are independent of Layout. They are program sequence. Different sheets are different program sequences.

    When you set a layout the layout will used the defined sheet. If multiple layouts use the same sheet(because you can set the default sheet on the layout properties) then those layouts use the same sheet. Even if it's just one sheet then they share the one sheet.

  • Well if you using the browser then there is no way to lock the mode. You will need to rotate the device..

    If your on CJS testing tool. You can set the mode in the gear to the top right before launching your game.

  • DUTOIT has a point. However it's the name that's more being blocked than the game play. They feel the people cashing in on the word "flappy" is being abused.

    You can call your game another name like "Derpy Dragon" another clone game and then pass onto the IOS store.

    I am interested in the work. PM with the details. as in

    Do you have a design document

    are all the assets for everything done.

    I'm ok at level design, but you can tweak after wards

    time estimation

    and what your offering for the work.

  • Unfortunatly CocoonJS seems to lack memory managemnet. So C2 just loads everything. Might want to see if Ejecta has better opportunity.

  • Theres a set of video leader/score board tutorials in the tutorial section by ArcadeEd

  • ArcadEd

    I didn't use any plugins. To release to FGL I suspect the developer would still have to hack the index. But since my fgl capx api works from preiview mode it's convenient for testing.

  • Has anyone gotten the API fully working in a C2 game?

    I managed to get the 1.2 api 100% working and got it to do preview from C2.

  • On the arrow add a variable. Call it say


    set the default value to 0 easy enough.


    Arrow On Collision with object

    arrow.hash*tTarget = 0


    do hit result

    set arrow.hash*tTarket = object.uid

    this will make sure the arrow doesn't hit more than 1. You might need to do a For Each Object if it really hits more than 1 at time.