jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • oooh that looks good. I'm not adept at the Array funciton in C2. I was thinking more of a brute for method, but I like yours :)

    just commenting :D

  • If you watch the unboxing video they have up. You can see a rectangle shape in the middle of the controller. This looks like it is the touch pad. There was never talk of a touch screen outside of a want by the fans. THey have always said touch PAD.

  • Not very much at all. some a little heavier than others, but over all not much. If you want to see just start two templates and compare them.

  • bah, from the Ouya site.

    "I love CocoonJS, and everything works fine atm, I just want to tell you about a thought that occured to me today:

    Ouya. If you don't know about it yet, it's an android game console. It would just be wonderful if we could get controller input events in cocoonjs. Will this maybe happen or doesn't it fit your philosophy or something?

    Dev kit comes in december I think...

    Sorry about English mistakes, corrections appreciated. ;D

    Leo, We are not integrating controller SDKs/APIs at the moment. Thank you!

    Ludei August 29 Developer support"

    I feel Cocoonjs can work on the Ouya store, but I'm not sure how capable any C2 games will be without appropriate ouya sdk. We could be fortunate that the controllers will work(short of the touch). It may be that we will have to support Ouya in js ourselves... I honestly have no idea right now how it's going to happen

  • My concern is Cocoonjs. I'm hoping they took the opportunity to get an Ouya dev kit and will be prepping Cocoonjs for it. It would be a major dissapoinment if they aren't.

  • That is a good point that Nimtrix brings up. To what effect is this required for.

    Nimtrix model is a great simple hopper.

    Where as what I was trying to toy with was for something else as in trying to land on a small point from a long jump. Similar to how in Assasins Creed Altair manages to hop onto small poles.

    Also I got home and your capx isn't working for me. Getting some sort of caproj information missing ;( yes, I didn't have access to C2 and wasn't sure if platform had speed or velocity. I though Platform had velocity, but looking at it now I was getting Vector and Velocity mixed :D

    You could also try to use lerp/distance and gravity so the the character comes down quick as needed. then restore gravity upon landing.

    You could alter the Y vector to increase downward momentum, or X to shorten distance.

    With nimtrix and my suggestions I think you can probably muddle a good solution :D

  • For Each. should be the one you want

    For Each AI

    -sub condition: compare two values(distance(a,b) < range)

    --> attack

    If only one sprite is attacking at a time. Then something else is happening in regards to the each validate check.

  • I'm not at home so i can only share theory :D

    1. You can check to see if your character is in the air or ground. Add that to your condition. Or more specifically

    On Attack Button

    -> onGround - do events

    -> inAir - do events

    however an alternative which reduces condition checks. Assume player starts on ground :D

    Group Ground

    Jump button -> Jump, enable Group Air, disable Group Ground

    attack button -> do ground attack

    Group Air

    onlanding -> enable Group Ground, disable Group Air

    attack button -> do air attack

    2. more manual control of the setVelocity and or speed. As practice just set speed for each action. this way interupts will change the speed back to normal. I'm not sure if your looking for Velocity or Speed.

    3. you need more conditions.



    and NOT(animationFrame > attackFrame First) & (animationFrame < attackFrame last)

    action-> do attack

  • You cannot/should not save files. While I know some browsers are starting to dabble in the area of FILE.IO(or whatever it's called). It's not wise as browsers having direct file access has heavy negative stigma and might not become standard. Continue to use Webstorage as it actually saves data locally and not online. Webstorage uses some form of cookie and browser cache.

    webstorage is local and Kongregate should have no problems with it.

  • I'm not at home so I can't really try it out :( my first thought however is that you might want to try LERP. don't exact me on this. This is just hypothetical :D

    setVelocityX(lerp(0, distance(player, bush), 0.5))

    if this works this of course this still means that if the player is over the bush he will stop mid air. however it should scale the velocity so that if there is distance between the bush and the player. the player should land on it. tweak for desired effects...

    assuming this works :D Good luck

  • I'm working on an Ouya game here and there. It's just that i'm not entirely convinced that we should consider all games to be on par with the other main consoles. And so it might not be needed to create suits of mini games.

    Now it might be a good idea anyways so I'll think about it. See how far my game is in a few weeks :D

  • Mine will be coming in March, I don't make the kind of money to sped $600 on.... though someday :D

    Looking forward to getting mine and making games. Already working on one for around the official release date.

    Though I hope succeeds I have my doubts. but awesome to you :)

  • Nope, no question. I'm just having a brain buster day where communication is just failing. I'm just appreciating the work that you and your team have put into clay.io :D

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  • alight, here is a commentary, and a solution for you too look deeper for a better solution if possible.

    When manually writing game code for BOX2D and other physics engines. The programmer has the ability to set vector points for the collision shape. I don't know if C2 allows for setting collision shapes during run time. However you might be able find a plugin. If not you can try to use the answer below.

    10px lines.

    As you have your mouse(or touch) start drawing. draw graphical lines with no physics. These lines are done in 10px spurts burts by startx/y when first touching and when the mouse move a distance of 11px away lock the fgx line in start a new 10px line. keep this up until the player released or some other limit is met.

    when then player released the mouse, iterate through each of the 10px lines and create a new line which is a PhysicsLine and joint each pLine to the previous. Now you have a physics shape.

    you might be able to get away with more than 10px. Experiment as you would like.

  • Sorry Austin, I appreciate the reply of what I was trying to say, but I said wrong and corrected it :D. It sounds much better now. I think.