jayderyu's Forum Posts

  • Can we get a capx of just the sound and the playing. strip the other game elements away.

  • First important question what formats is your sound in?

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  • You might want to offer in the tips how to set the target data.


    position "100,100" or "" & self.x + 100 & "," & self.y -1 00

    Also I tried changing the name for set target to "all". This caused a javascript error. You probably want to catch invalid tween names and give a console log report. rather than letting a crash go through.

  • Ashley I was thinking about that the other day. Why not have an official authorized plugin. Plugin developers submit a plugin and if it passes some tests automated or manual. Then it's clear in the arcade. but it looks like a plan is in the work anyways. So that's fantastic to hear :)

  • There is also



    threejs.org (optional canvas renderer)

  • That's funny :) they have a point too. Managing the money and project can be difficult :D and can easily be overwhelming.

    Too bad it's not real :D funding to cancel projects.

  • Plugin developer these days should be taking into consideration the google minify style. Most plugins I've used and seen tend to be minify safe.

    Though Mipey has a good point. If the Scirra arcade is locked from 3rd party plugins. Then it is up Scirra to provide all the basic plugins. MoveTo with DT would be a very basic feature that I think shuold be in basic movement model, not even a plugin.

  • check the template, but the simple answer is that the player doesn't move. The infinite ground is spawned on one side, then moves to the other giving the illusion of endless, forever into an abyss. good luck :)

  • > How about smooth transition between animations if it is't already possible somehow.

    This will be possible by Spriter 1.0, but is not possible yet.

    Updates on the other things:

    I've forwarded the info for edittime display features and a possible solution for reimporting projects to Ashley. He's working on the next C2 release before he has chance to look into and/or implement it, but we're one step closer on those things.

    Secondly, the cocoonjs thing. Again, I won't be able to work on this yet, but I did a simple test and I was able to verify that the solution will definitely work.

    oooh, so we are going to get tweening between different animations. That's very mouth watering. I thought that wasn't going to apear until well after 1.0.... yummy, very excited for this feature.

    also looking for the various edit time, folder swapping :) very many delectable elements coming :)

  • I would say do something similar to

    On Touch Release RightButton

    -- set runright 1

    -- wait 1

    -- set runright = 0

    --if player.isRunning = 1

    --- player.isRunning = 0

    OnTouch Pressed RightButton

    --if runright = 0

    ---- set player speed to normal, walk animation, player.moveright = 1

    --if runright = 1

    ---- set player speed to run, do run animation, player.moveright = 2

    Is InTouch rightbutton

    -- if player.moveright = 1

    ---- continue walking

    -- id player.moveright = 2

    ---- continue running

    also you could just make an analog based control. make it wide so that the player has good degree of difference between walking and running.


    if analogstick.X > 0 and < 80% then do walk stuff

    if analogstick.X > 80 then do run stuff

  • Dating sim games are awesome. I admitidly don't play them, but the few I have tried out are wonderfull. All about story telling and choices. Far more RPG than well most consider and RPG.

    Good luck :) I wanted to make a space sci fi rpg dating sim. Someday :P

  • If your game is ok on most computers, but takes a hit on a few. Then it's likely not the game engine at all, but a hardware bottle neck.

    I would suggest creating a graphical verticle slice of just one room, no game play, that only consists of the graphics with all the bells and whistles. Do that for Stencyl and C2, then run it on a variety of computers.

    I suspect both will take a a hit, but you never know and you can find out which has better performance.

  • At least in this case it's a good sign :)

  • looking forward to seeing your work :)

  • Bottleneck I believe is Rexrainbows's(I could be wrong on who's) server technology. Where as sockjs is a transport wrapper between client and server. sockjs is a move to replace socket.io who's current developement has slowed down.

    So as an example if a browser(likely mobile) can't use websocket sockjs will revert to making calls along the lines of AJAX or essentiaclly whatever. and recieve under the same line.

    It's really a good idea :)

    Sounds good JohnnySheffield looking forward to seeing where this goes :)