jaybien's Forum Posts

  • Brilliant! I would never have thought of that but it's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

  • Im working on a top down game and wanted some sprites/objects to just sit on screen unless the player collides with it. When the collision happens, I want the sprite to move out of the way just a bit, to look like the player kind of lightly kicked it out of the way. How would I go about doing something like that? Thanks for your time.

  • Hmm, interesting. Sounds like problems one might run into with any engine. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. If you don't mind, what's the name of your game? Id like to check it out!

  • Ah ok, thanks! It's that easy or are there more steps?

  • I've been using Construct 2 for about 2 months and it is absolutely fantastic. I love every little detail about it. Except a small nag which is bothering me. If I do manage to make something halfway fun, I would naturally want to put it on steam. How compatible is C2 with steam. Do I need wrappers or does it export to .exe?

    I've noticed C2's biggest competitor, Fusion 2.5 has many more games on steam. Any reason why? Ive tried Fusion but don't care for it. Thanks for the time

  • Wow, you are too kind. I really appreciate that LaDestitute! Thank you so much!

  • Hey all, my layout on restart freezes everything, including animations but still lets me move around. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    I have the capx here:

    h t t p s : / / w w w . dropbox.com/s/3tic7kylnrfdwue/DiHa.capx?dl=0

    Just click towards a wall 3 times, letting a red guy out and crash into it 3 times to replicate it. Thanks!

  • First you add touch to your project by double clicking your layout and select touch. Then in the event sheet, click add event and go to touch. There you can select the action you want, just like the keyboard example.

  • Anyone?

  • I've built a 2D platformer and this logic works well for it, but for some reason I cannot get it working with my top down game. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, I'll be very grateful. Thanks!

    htt ps://w w w. dropbox.com/s/3tic7kylnrfdwue/DiHa.capx?dl=0

  • Ah yep, that nailed it. I overlooked that. Thank you facecjf. I really appreciate it!

  • Hmm, nope create player at start of layout doesn't work. : /

    Here's the capx

    htt ps://w w w .dropbox.com/sh/n5c5exiggbo6z6i/AAAhYvAa_geOPH_Mr7SCAJz2a?dl=0

  • Anyone?

  • I am setting the 8 direction movement values via a variable and I set them when the player is created. Same for the enemy movement. It all works well until the player is killed, and restarts the layout. None of the 8 direction values are restarted with the layout restart. How would I go about adding the variables to the instances again? Thanks!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks again for the help oosyrag! You're awesome! That appears to be just what I needed, as usual.