javaaddict's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Thank you ROJO <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ... I will try and inform shortly .. Once again very thank you guys ..

  • Thanks Whiteclaws, Actually background is a single image, from that we have to differentiate colors . <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks Whiteclaws, Actually background is a single image, from that we have to differentiate both colors.

  • Dear Ashley, I need some help on creating solid type blocker using differentiation in color... Am using two colors in my game background(consider blue and red), if player moves on blue they can move without any problem if they come into red color, they should be blocked. Please help me howto achieve this. Thank you in advance.

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  • Hi friends, am creating a race game. In that destination will be far from begining, it cant be shown in screen. So, decided to keep an map image near game screen, showing movements of player too. please guide me how to achieve this.

  • I cant get it clearly... jayderyu... no options available for this, so how to control it manually ..

  • Hi friends, am new to scirra, in my game, am having a background with red and blue, if my object moves on red, object can move freely. if on blue, object should not move into blue areas(means blue should act as blocker and red as path way).. I know I can achieve it with an solid object but is this possible by identifying color and making object not to move on it ... please help me if so. Thanks in advance.

  • Am really very sorry for my late reply ... Hi yaomon17 and dcrew, It works fine.. really thank you guys ... Seems very kiddish question .. Sorry for that too ... Thank you again ..

  • Hi friends, Am new to scirra construct 2 game developing, am creating two objects one is car(moving) and a blocker(static) .. If car hits blocker, car should not move forward, it can be moved any other direction rather than blocker side .. I used stop event to stop car .. but its not getting stopped.. its squeeze into blocker and coming out of it ... Please do help .. Thank you ..

  • Am Gowtham from India, I love develping Games ...

  • 10 posts