Jau's Forum Posts

  • Hello,

    I was wondering what kind of control plugin I should use for Android TV. I mean : the remote controller will have some "OK", "back", "menu" buttons.

    Will it be considered as a gamepad and A button will become the "OK" button ?

    Thanks !

  • Hello,

    I see you allowed us to save on some US companies hosting services.

    Thank you, but could you add some Webdav save, so we can host our data on our Owncloud or Nextcloud servers ?

    Thank you again

  • No pictures. I have to make a new project inside XDK and export it the old way. The n I place the exported files in the xdk project www directory. I reinstalled CS2 227. Same results.

  • Found it. It's image recompression. Puted it on "no" and it worked

  • Problem Description

    Crash while exporting to cordova. New intel format checked.

    Attach a Capx

    can't sry

    Description of Capx

    ____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      just export a project with video and browser plugins. Nothing else (except, of course, sprites)

    Observed Result


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    An image file was not successfully exported

    Condition: FileExists(job.dest_file.c_str())

    File: html5.cpp

    Line: 3954

    Function: void __cdecl DoImageProcessingJob(const struct ImageProcessingJob &)

    Build: release 229 (64-bit) checked

    Component: HTML5 exporter

    (Last Win32 error: 2)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abandonner Recommencer Ignorer


    Expected Result


    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Your operating system and service pack ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Exact version ID of Construct 2 you're using ____

  • Hello,

    Does anyone know if I could test if the user owns another app so I can give him/her a bonus or display something in the current one ?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • sry then. I'll study this. Thank you Ashley.

  • Hello,

    Problem Description

    When using tiling (tiled background or tilemap), it looks like elements are cut from 1px (for tilemaps) or there is one more line (on tiled backgrounds). But my image is exactly 64x64px.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    The caps contains a tiled background and a tilemap made from the same 64x64 image. You will notice a thin line on top of the first one, and a gap at right in the second one.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a new sd landscape project
    • Add a tiled background or a tilemap
    • Open an image inside it

    Observed Result

    Lines from other parts or gaps (tilemaps) and line on top maybe coming from the bottom of the image (tiled backgrounds)

    Expected Result

    just use the image and tile it lol

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    VM : windows7 64 SP1

    Host : Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64

    browsers tested inside and outside VM (except IE of course,)

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r212 64bits

    Thank you for your hard work.

    Best regards,


  • Hey,

    Did you find a solution to put ads in Amazon export ? Or to use IAP ?

  • Argll sry, now I understand !

    Thank you everyone.

  • What object ? Did I make something spawn here ?

  • Hello,

    Problem Description

    Containers outside of the layout are replicating inside of it without reason. Is there an evil leprechaun inside Cs2 ? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil">

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    This is a simplified version of a level. Two exemples of the first container are replicating themselves.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    swipe up a few

    Observed Result

    There are two "beacons" spawning in middle of the screen with the "stone" blocks from their containers.

    Expected Result

    Nothing, of course.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: YES
    • FireFox: YES

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 sp1 into Virtualbox 4.3.16.

    Virtualbox running on top of Ubuntu 14.04

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 178 64bits

  • hello ?

  • Hello,

    I compiled my game with intel XDK and uploaded the two .apk. It works fine on a 7" phonetab (rk) with android 4.2.1, on a 4" phone (snapdragon) under 4.3, BUT crashes at launch on a 10" tab (rk) android 4.2.2.

    Here is the log file. The app is jigs.gob

    If someone has an idea..

  • Hello,

    I will distribute some graphics under creative common, but can I distribute the code created with C2 under GPL for exemple ?
