Wonderful is the correct word to appreciate the hardwork for this game.
No Idea how you did this magic, we really need some tutorial or information how to create something like this. Please share.
Hello Constructors,
Check this out(warning, include product placements)
I did that working using mode7 fx from
R0J0hound +
rexrainbow ground behaviour&logic. Big thanks for those features to u guys.
It was tricky to calculate camera position and that was the only problem, but after one day of calculating some data I got it working.
The Game is still in progress, I will add some tire trails, more tracks, pickups etc and replay option. Anyway I'm happy that mode7 is usable and a lot of specific mode 7 games can be done with it in Construct.
The game is a challenge animation for 4 guys in a Show About Streetwear & Fashion playing on youtube every thursday. U can see those guys and game part here: https://youtu.be/8ccwXyFxTRQ?t=248 and after a video the game becomes a little viral for fans of paq youtube series.