well, there are some pretty complex concepts in there...
my sample is only 21 events but it may not be very easy to understand what is happening if you haven't used lerp or modulo, or have a firm grasp of how picking works. There are probably a million other ways to do it, and you could add all kinds of effects as the thumbs are flying around - rotate them, scale them, change opacity, etc...
I made it very generic - it will work for any number of columns and rows (you can enter those values at the top and then click the generate button to make the thumbnails). or just keep clicking generate to get a new set to play with.
I have all the thumbnail images in one sprite object as different animations. If you really wanted separate sprites for each thumbnail, then you would have to put them in a family and change the code to work with the family.
it was a fun exercise... and like I said - there is lots of room for improvement by adding additional effects.