Jase00's Forum Posts

  • RookieDev

    Thanks! I never actually released it or put it up anywhere due to nobody really being interested in the project. I guess if there was more demand to play it, I could spend some time cleaning it up and put it up on the Arcade or something :P


    Hey thanks! I have a few reasons why I stopped working on it, mainly because I was enthused by the Tizen Challenge which meant I had to make a game with my own content (not MapleStory images lol), as well as how messy I designed the game.

    MapleStory has literally hundreds of clothing items, each with their own Origin points and frames (there's probably around 50 frames per clothing piece, not to mention certain items were in two's (One shirt would be the "Shirt" and the "ShirtOverArm" pieces, so that's 100 frames to import and align!). There's already lots of tools out there to generate XML files for the origin points, but I didn't know and didn't want to risk trying to load XML's and whatnot in Construct 2, so I would just look at the XML file of an item and align it manually in C2's animation editor. Could take 30 minutes to do 1 item, an hour if it's a top or gloves!

    Also, I didn't design it to be very modular (I believe that's the correct word), whereby if I change a small piece of one thing in the events, it would break 100 other things, such as in the video at 5:16 onwards, you see the window popup with a glitched character; I had designed that menu perfectly: you'd see a clone of your character within that window which you can change the hair and haircolour (same with eyes and eyecolour), but because I tried adding something new (I think I tried adding different body skin tones or tried making it possible to import animation frames externally from a folder, I forget lol), it made characters break in those windows. So in the end, it'd be better to just start fresh

    Another point is that nobody noticed the game, and I fail at marketing/advertising, never really felt good about going to forums to flood them with my game, I think I did it once and it got me nowhere lol.

    The most main reason is, I'd be damned if I put all this time and effort into the game, just to get sued for copyright infringement because I used images/sound that's owned by Nexon (MapleStory company). I'm now making a project which uses things I had made/planned to make in my MapleStory game, except it's better designed, and is no longer a copyright claim waiting to happen <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Yes, definitely!

    I spent many months making a clone of MapleStory in which it is single player and has more fast-paced gameplay. It was my first project ever in Construct 2, although I did use MMF2 and other software for a few years before I found C2. I spent so much time working on it on my own, using the Scirra forum to ask questions I needed to ask here and there, and came out with this!

    I'll upload a video so you can see what I managed to make.

    Here is vid:


    But anyway, to answer the specific details,

    Large-scale sidescroller

    Yes, definately, as long as you design the level appropriately (Not one massive 10000x1000 image, but instead, lots of small repeated tiles/scenery.) You should check out Remember not to waste your memory and also take a peek at the Tilemap object for level designing efficiency! (I personally didn't use the Tilemap object, it didn't exist at the time I made the game!)

    Character Classes

    Yes! Depending on how you plan to implement the logic behind this, this could be a breeze. It would tie in with other things like if you planned to "Only warriors can equip 2H swords", then that would tie in to the inventory logic, where upon attempting to equip something, detect the class that the item allows, and detect the players class, and if they match, then equip. If not, then popup message saying "No" :P

    All items could be in one "Family" called "Items", which would allow you to assign Instance Variables to that family, such as "Name", "Description", "Str", "RequiredStr", which will make it super easy to implement things later on like inventory/equip stuff! Making "Class specific" items (like, how to assign the property to items so that they can only be worn by 1 or 2 classes) could be done in several ways but my mind is currently blank on that right now, very tired indeed lol.

    Drop tables

    Yep :P See, here is where I should probably say "Use Arrays/Dictionaries/XML" or something, but when I made my game, I didn't use anything except pure Construct 2 events. I do recommend you learn about those things if you don't already, I reckon they'll allow you to handle drop tables really well. You can have all the properties you desire, like rare/uncommon (You could do it like Maplestory with the % chance, I think I made the Blue snail shell in the video have 90% chance of dropping or something), you just need to prepare the correct logic to make that sort of system!

    You're not in over your heads at all, it's totally possible to do it, I've done what I've done single-handedly, I can imagine you and your friends working together as a group would end up creating something way more cooler (and neater)!

    If you have any other questions, I'm more than happy to answer them :)

  • zenox98

    Oh wow I never realised this applies to resizing objects, I was aware of it and have it switched on all the time to 1x1, but never thought to change it to see if it worked with size. Thanks!

  • Hey!

    This suggestion is super tiny but would be extremely useful to me and potentially others that use Tiled Backgrounds when creating levels!

    I think it would be very useful to be able to hold "ALT" (or any other key) whilst resizing a tiled background object, and cause it to snap into it's nearest image dimension relative to the mouse cursor (So say the Tiled Backgrounds image is 64x64 and you resize it horizontally whilst holding ALT, it would snap the width to the closest multiple of 64 (64,128,192)).

    The reason I would find this highly useful is because when making a long stretch of tiled background, it's not as easy to find the exact multiple of the image, which is necessary for sprites that need to connect to a different type of tiled background (They would look out of place if the 1st tiled background cuts off at like 17 then suddenly another tiled background is there that is drawn to connect to the side of the 1st tiled background.)

    It seems like a pointless suggestion almost, but after having to deal with multiple different tiled background placements and having to figure out the right size, it takes away a lot of time in the long run!

    Thanks for reading!

  • Hey!

    So I've had this demo of a game on the Arcade, it worked when I first uploaded it, but ever since I've updated it with a newer version (months ago now), it never loads on that page anymore, just a black empty space where it should be loading. I just assumed it may need a moment or day or so to settle in or something after updating it, but no, it remained broken.

    I also just ended up ignoring it entirely because I noticed that the "view" stat is broken too, as well as I'm aware of the new arcade in the works, but now I've just tried re-compiling the game in the latest version of construct, and re-updated it, and STILL it's not loading, it's made me really curious as to why.

    Link to the game:


  • I think having a counter increase every tick isn't really taxing at all, but however, you may be able to do it this way:

    Start of Layout

    Set a value ("StartTime") to the expression wallclock

    End of Layout

    Set a value ("EndTime") to wallclock

    And then to calculate the time, you simply do Endtime-StartTime.

    If not wallclock, there's probably another time expression :P

  • HTML5 is cool, yo.

  • Jase00 This looks like a crosswalk problem specific to your phone software configuration. Can you file an issue at https:X//crosswalk-project.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa

    Remove the X after https: above. I can't post URL's yet.

    Mention that you are building with XDK. Give the model for your phone and the OS version. Attach a zip of the output of the exporter for a very simple project. JIRA will create an issue number so it would be good to edit your Scirra forum post to include the JIRA issue number so we know how to track the problem.


    I went ahead and began filling in all the fields with great detail, until I hit the hurdle of uploading the project. I zipped, rared, 7ziped, but I can't get the APK to reach 10mb or less. Unless you're reffering to the Construct 2's export, rather than the XDK's export?

    I reckon I have a likely suspicion as to why it don't work on my phone specifically, and that's from just these 2 details:

    My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S (GT-I9000)

    The operating system is CyanogenMod (Version 10.1.2) which is based on Android 4.2.2

    I mention this just out of the small chance that CyanogenMod is the potential problem that may have already been come across.

    I appreciate what you're doing for the Scirra forums! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Ok I've tried building my app a few times changing different things here and there. Once I install the APK, I launch it, get a black screen for about 10 seconds, then an error pops up, reading:

    "The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)"

    Pressing ok made my phone crash the first time, so the other times it happened I have killed the app.

    I'll try with a much smaller simpler app and see if I get the same results in a while!

    EDIT: I tried building one of the templates in Construct 2 and installed the APK and still get the error above. I also noticed that during the 10 seconds of the black screen, my phone is completely unresponsive.

  • Allchix


    If you're still having installation problems, I found a workaround.

    Assuming you have WinRAR installed, rightclick the setup file ("xdk_web_win_master_0240.exe") and click "Open in WinRAR" and then you'll see a "Setup.exe". Click that. :P

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Whilst I'm super excited about trying this out, I can't seem to install Intel XDK. I download the windows installer for my Windows 7 64-bit OS and click on it, pops up with the splashscreen and progress bar saying "Extracting configuration files..." then when the progress bar reaches the end, closes. Tried installing the Linux 64bit version on Ubuntu which got further but froze during the installation. Also tried installing the Windows one on a Windows XP Virtual box but this only causes the splash screen to appear for a split second then vanish! Tried compatibility settings in Windows too, running as admin and whatnot, but nothing. :(

  • Found this when making customisable colour for in-game items (there's items that have two different sprites connected together like "Top hair" and "Back hair", and this bug ruins the visual effect)

    I'm hoping this is a simple random little bug of easyness!

    Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create any sort of sprite, making sure to have the standard "1 Pixel border" around the sprite.

    2. Have the "Adjust HSL" WebGL effect on.

    3. Adjust the Luminosity parameter.

    4. Notice the object lights up like expected, but has a darkened border surrounding it

    If you shrink the sprite so that it does NOT have a 1-pixel border, the outline will no longer exist (however this isn't a quick fix for sprites that are circular)

    This ONLY happens to Luminosity.

    Observed result:

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7765312/C2/hsl.png" border="0" />

    Expected result:

    There shouldn't be a border

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Node-Webkite: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • :D Excitement levels peaked...can't...handle it....*dies*

  • You've taken an interesting approach at having timers on multiple objects. I can't offer any help, but I can offer how I would do it myself.

    ONLY have the instance variable "LifeTime", which gets set to a random number still when it is created, (int(random(1,6))

    And then have an event, that constantly DECREASES the LifeTime variable of the baubles by "dt" (which will make it go down by 1 every second). You may or may not need a "ForEach Baubles" event here, probably not though!

    And then have another separate event, that "Compares instance variable" of the baubles, checking if it's =<0, then "play Sheep sound", destroy, ect.

    I hope this helps somehow!

  • Sure, you didn't develop the MMF2 Sonic Worlds, but "Porting Sonic Worlds to Construct 2" is what is yours. Your baby, if you will.

    Also, you HAVE directly ported it, and it works almost perfectly; just a few bugs here and there and this performance issue. But other than that, you've ported it very well. It's impressive, and it's unfortunate that think it's a futile effort.

    I think the one inevitable problem is "curved platforms", as C2 handles collisions via polygon, and not per-pixel; but it's still totally feasible.

    I hope you continue to work on it! I'll see if I can apply what I know to optimise it in my free time. Kudos on what you've managed to do so far!