Jarlax's Forum Posts

  • 2 posts
  • Thanks for the answer. I knew it would be simple enough and a bit stupid for not checking the example file but that was not part of the tutorial. No condition chaining was I guess.

    Here is the answer for those who don't want to look at the file.

    Condition: System -> For each Monster

            System -> distance(Player.X, Player.Y, Monster.X, Monster.Y) < 200

    Action   : ....

    I think I was expecting something more like this

    Condition: Monster -> distance(Player.X, Player.Y, this.X, this.Y) < 200

    Action   : ....


    Thanks Again

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  • Basically just take the beginner tutorial (http://www.scirra.com/tutorials/37/beginners-guide-to-construct-2) and I want to add some monster AI when they are near Player.

    I just can't understand how to make that condition event. There is Distance function but you can only use that in a System Event. That would not be for one individual monster instance. In the Monster event you can just compare instance variables like X or Y. But you can't, that I can see, use the Distance function. So really what I need is the Compare Two values in the Monster Sprite event but that is not an options.

    I would swear this should be easy. If I could just program it would be simple enough but for some reason I am stumped in Construct 2. Also I would love it if the search on the forums was better but everything I hit is for Construct classic and I don't see a way to filter it.

  • 2 posts