jangsy5's Forum Posts

  • Hm... interesting. I thank you for your time. I shall try and do both to see which one fits my logic the best.

  • Hum... so could you tell me how>

    For the sake of discussion I want to create the character 'pac man'. I create him as sprite object.

    In the main layout(show when the app is launched) I want pac man to appear at a random position when I press the enter key and not when the layout has just loaded.

    In fact the when the app is open it's just a black screen, so when I press enter a pac man spawns, I press enter again another pac man spawns, etc etc etc. So tell me, how would I do that?

    How do I add a sprite object into a layout without it actually being placed 'visually' in the layout itself (while using CC, since I found out you have to actually place it onto a layout to use it), so I can create an instance of it to appear on the layout while running the app.

    I'm sorry if you guys couldn't understand me... or is it me who don't understand you? @

  • for example

    I want to keep track of a sprite object (dots,balls, you get what I mean).

    More of it (instances I assume) spawns with time.

    I want to create a set amount that will increase over time too.

    Hence I thought of 2 variables to keep track.

    One keeps track of how many of that object exist and the maximum amount of that object should exist.

    So I thought I could attack 2 private variables to an object such as a text object.

    So I created

    DotCount :: variable that keeps track of actual amount

    DotCountMax :: variable that is the number of maximum amount that the sprite object should exist

    That's just one object. There's actually 3 more so...







    Each of these I use to keep in check how many of those objects exist. How I do that is when an event is executed the object/instance spawns in the layout and variable DotCount increases by 1 to indicate there's 1 more of that object in existence.Then DotCount is compared to DotCountMax to see if DotCount < DotCountMax, if so then the cycle repeats and instance is created again.

    If there's a simpler way then please do tell me.If not would using pv more manageable than the other ways? Or am I understanding this all wrong and infact hash tables and arrays are nothing like pv (I know arrays are different).

  • I'm sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions but I'm trying to learn this engine as quick as possible before my midterm break finishes.

    Back to topic I'd like to ask; when I'm trying to store integers like the amount of a certain object is created and the maximum amount of that object should be created should I use Hash table or variable, or array? I know this is kind of low level stuff I should find out on the net but reading those stuff is too technical and I can't find what I want to know.

    I guess I could use array but I have no idea how real arrays work or to be specific store the information (damn game maker I curse you for making it too simple).

    Also would the choice still apply if I use whole lot more information, such as the value mentioned before but to keep track of multiple objects?

  • Something confuses me a lot. I don't understand why I need to place all sprite objects within the layout. What I'm saying is that I want the sprite "dot" to be just in the objects list and not actually be placed into the layout yet, instead I want it to be created when an event is activated.

    Is it possible to not place it in the layout or do I have to hide it and somehow inactivate it?

  • Oh ic thanks a lot R0J0hound I didn't know such a software existed.

  • Since Virtual software makers are not my thing I'll do it the old and painful way. I found a list of dlls that might possibly be used in construct classic. They're in total as big as CC itself (~82mb) so I'll eliminate or add required dlls that will need to be placed into the cc folder where the exe is. I'm going to test it on a uni-library to see if it works tomorrow. If any of you have a virt box then please try it out and see if it works.

    <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">d3d9.dll


    d3dcompiler_33.dll to d3dcompiler_43.dll (maybe just _39.dll

    d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll (also maybe just _39.dll)

    x3daudio1_0.dll to x3daudio1_7.dll

    d3dcsx_42.dll and d3dcsx_43.dll (dx10 files but just in case)</font>

    If you don't know where it is well good luck finding it if you're using anything but win XP. Since I use win XP.

    In win xp goto 'windows' folder then look for 'system32' folder then scroll through the all files in alphabetical order.

  • Aw man... Dx9 installer + CC installer? That's why it doesn't work. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    So is Cameyo better than Evalazer? Cuz I tried it with Evalazer and it makes a 650mb cache (without DX9 installed) way bigger than ~100 mb you said.

    Also could someone tell me where to get dx9 installer that cameyo can record even with my original box? or do I have to use a virt. box to record it?

    Even better an uploaded link of a portable cc since you guys already tried it, please?

  • I don't get it... so do these software create a exe that's technically a zip file that has all the data of a software and directories and dlls that are required to run it but won't unpack it, it just runs? or does it actually unpack with dlls and registry. So lost.


    Nevermind. I worked out. Thanks a lot guys! End of this year you'll find out what project I've been working on!

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  • Sorry if I'm bumping this but I just have another question. Does anyone know the list of libs cc uses? If I just know that I think I can make it portable. I thought of looking at the source codes but I'm a novice at coding so I have no idea what libs its using.

  • I see. Well I guess I'll just have to use my own computer since my project is meant to be exe... until they come around with exe on c2.

  • Is the CC and C2 portable in anyway? I mean can I install it onto my flash drive and use it on a different computer because I seem to find spare time in the university library.

  • If only there was a way to deactivate certain objects... like turning off a switch.

  • The real reason to my assumption as to why all orientation is by default to the right is because by convention that's where all angles start in mathematics. And since most aspects of programing is mathematics it's logical to have it conveniently at 0 degree to be pointing to the 'right'.

    So as to your problem notBatman. You could teach them about how the sprite object actually work visually like when we learned to count by using apples (or something in the real world).

    You could show them your fist and say it's the object. Point a finger and say that's the direction. Prepare a small piece of paper and say that's your sprite. Have an arrow drawn on it and placed on top of the pointing fist. For the sake of the point deliberately miss align the arrow from the direction of the pointed finger.

    As your showing this you could say that their image/sprite is facing a direction but the object is actually facing a different direction. Also mention how object controls the movement; as the hand moves in the pointed direction not the direction of the pointing arrow, try moving it as you say it too. So tell them they should point the arrow in the direction of the pointed finger (by aligning the arrow to it) so the arrow moves in the right direction.

    I know from experience that children have an approximate retention of 3 facts at one time. So if the previous method didn't work, for the sake of their learning just say everything must face right because it's the right way. (quite archaic method but most times it works)

    That's how I'd teach it from my experience of tutoring maths and science.