Since Virtual software makers are not my thing I'll do it the old and painful way. I found a list of dlls that might possibly be used in construct classic. They're in total as big as CC itself (~82mb) so I'll eliminate or add required dlls that will need to be placed into the cc folder where the exe is. I'm going to test it on a uni-library to see if it works tomorrow. If any of you have a virt box then please try it out and see if it works.
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">d3d9.dll
d3dcompiler_33.dll to d3dcompiler_43.dll (maybe just _39.dll
d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll (also maybe just _39.dll)
x3daudio1_0.dll to x3daudio1_7.dll
d3dcsx_42.dll and d3dcsx_43.dll (dx10 files but just in case)</font>
If you don't know where it is well good luck finding it if you're using anything but win XP. Since I use win XP.
In win xp goto 'windows' folder then look for 'system32' folder then scroll through the all files in alphabetical order.