The Audio is a real pain in the **** Depending on individual hardware browsers etc the audio is rendered slightly differently. This is unfortunately due to the way browsers process sound. If anyone can guide me to anything that may help Id be grateful. On ios devices the audio wont play at all unless I remove the references to m4a files from the offline.appcache file on the server. unfortunately as this then means the audio is streamed on these devices a internet connection is required and the game cant be run as a web app.
I have also posted a new version which takes the original a bit further with 7 power ups and severely ramping up difficulty. the address of the original is
and the UPDATED GAMEPLAY version
Node Version? If you tell me how to do it No problem. I'm happy to add controller support but I don't have one to try. Oh actually can I use a ps4 controller on a usb cable?
PS one last thing Im also working on a copy of SPACE INVADERS. Its very early days at the moment but you can try it here:
Controls are Left, Right Arrows and Space. (This is subject to change)
Test Keys are Hold Q to pause invader movement. Makes it easy to shoot out invaders to a pattern of your choice.
The A key resets bases. R resets invaders back to start.
So Far 61 Events Including Test Code