j0schi's Forum Posts

  • As i am working alot with this tool lately i want to give you some feedback:

    1) pleaxe fix the order, i know this is an issue with many programms

    http://gyazo.com/b2e195561484174ea89431d64438435d but its a lot easyer in many cases to sort by id, for example dfinding the highest...

    2) in the manual you should point out a little more what the Resultset is and how to work with it, some examples might be nice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    3) it would be a nice to have to search for "empty values" and insert a placeholder like "description missing"

    4) IMPORTANT sometimes i accedentally drag and drop. what happens then is that a whole row gets ovewritten and the data is lost... there is no back button. the only solution is to close the editor and open the file new with all changes lost...

    this happened to me 5 times now and everytime i have to start over again. in addition whith the ID sorting problem its very hard to see if a line is missing or not. also, why cant i copy an existing row into a new one?

    that would save me a lot of time beacause many objects have similar values....

    besides of that this tool is the "safer of asses"!



  • blackhornet that does the trick, thank you so much

  • Hey everyone!

    Jea my Question is how do I adjust volume while a sound is plaing and live adjusting the volume of the sound.

    Here is the case: i have a thrustersound, 13 seconds looping.

    I want the sound to play in a suitable volume. when the player pulls the joystick 50px it should be 10db louder...

    so far i had no luck with adjusting the volume WHILE the sound is playing. is this even posible or do i have to restard the sound every time the volume changes?

    Did i miss something or is this important feature not existing?



  • Prazon, alvarop is right. your budged is really tight so you have to specify exactly what you want to have... maybe a prototype of the prototype is doable for this budged...

    • What does atacking mean, (range, close combat?
    • how does the battlefield look
    • what is the goal of the game

    and so on...

    if you have any fears that your idea is stolen (which seems like this is the case)

    make your budget at least 10 times as big and then make an nda with the requesting developers


  • A0Nasser is right, but you might want to keep this for later modifyers

  • for my game the setting will be space with the orion nebular as the background (which can change from location to location)

    so you are actually building these? are you planning to realease them in the scirra store? also please keep in mind that ir really depends on the price if i can buy them

    I have some further questions:

    1) would it be okey to order a single station from you afterwards (a new one not included yet)

    2) would you considder to designing some space ships which are suitable?

    3) can you send me some concept art so that i can see if this is what i had in mind?

    4) can you include some different looking turrets for the weaponplatform?

    as i found nothing so far i designed some conzept art my self, but my skills are very limeted, but if you are interested i could send them to you

    sorry for overtaking the thread, i hope thats okey



  • one solution might be -> is in touch -> system every x seconds * firerate -> spawn playerbullet


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  • I can confirm this, tested with win8, chrome canary on my gaming pc the issues are gone! this is so awesome! now we play the waiting game till its implemented everywhere but i am so happy and motivated right now! thank you so much Ashley and everyone else and of course the chromium dev team!

  • tharindutpd thanks for the tips, but the problem is related to the topic discussed in this thread:


  • ggibson1

    thank you very much for the clarification, just bought it, even i will have no time to use it till next week. this sounds so awesome, cant wait to try it!

    thanks again



    edit: also some more tutorials or examples would be awesome, maybe you can demonstrate how to make use of the c2 data editor in a simple economy game and include the vidiotutorial with the purchase? that would be really great

  • DUTOIT thank you very much! that helps a lot! ive got it now, building with text cells!

    For the data editor: i will definetly buy it, just wanted to figure the stuff out before

    Next step is to put everything in a scrollable menu

    LittleStain now i also got what you meant with instance variables



  • Sorry LittleStain, i dont understand... i am using instance variables, but i am looking for a good way to display those data... its really more about interface design...


  • iwontnamemyself i am spawning over 8000 objects over the course of the game... didnt noticed any impact


  • Hi everyone. Currently I am programming on a space economy sim and now after getting my mind around arrays and how they work I am facing another challenge.

    The Question is: how do I display large amounts of data in a proper way like a table with clickable cells.

    For example: I have 14 differ space stations 5 of each kind.

    Now what I want to achieve is a list view first of all station kinds. On click I want to show all stations of this kind on click on a station I want to show detail information for this station. Like coordinates, Storage, Products. All those values are saved in arrays so the selection should be no problem. But what I cant find is a proper way to display those. In html/php/MySQL I would do it with a simple table. But what is the right way to do it in construct? I’ve experimented a little with lists or text elements but what I am missing is some kind of ID or something so when I click on a text item I can give an “id” of a row in an array to which the program shows details.

    I am thankful for any thoughts on this.



  • Hey ggibson1

    the tool looks very interesting for me, but i am just a beginner in costruct so i have a few questions:

    did i understand it correctly that with the c2 data editor it is possible to use arrays like a database? i have some knowledge in mysql, and currently i am creating a game which simulates an economy. it its a real **** ** *** *** to do all this with arrays. the thing is, in my game new production facilitys get created all the time, each facility has its own recauces, needs to make orders and so on. just working with instance variables isnt enought here. so i need different arrays which i can handle like a mysql database...

    • is this possible with this tool?
    • are there any more examples or tutorials out there?

    thank you
