iyellensash's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • I have a major problem when making ragdolls, I just cannot get the joints to connect at the correct places, can someone make an addon that adds an option to select BOTH image points of each sprite to connect? (If you're confused, here's an example: Sprite A create revolute joint [This image point: 1] to Sprite B [Sprite B's Image point: 2])

  • Is there a way to just check if an object has collided with anything? Making an object have a collision SFX for every single object it touches is so tedious because I have to do the same script over and over again for each object is just so tedious. Can anyone relate?

  • thank you

  • Ok so that worked for me but there are two major issues, 1: I added more to the game which changed what event 319 was, and 2: all the other secret items are still being duplicated on the list. I may just resort to making no secrets in the game but keeping reactions in the game. If there is a simpler way to fix this problem I will test it but for now I will just disable the unlocking ability.

  • ok it should be updated now

  • ok thank you, when possible I'll post the link to the Google Drive file.

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  • ok so idk how to paste my project

  • Ok so I'm making a game called "Physics Sandbox", and my biggest issue is loading saves. So, when I save the game, it works fine, I can return to the menu and load the save just fine. But when I go to the spawn menu, anything that I have unlocked, it is shown twice on the list, I've tried clearing the list on the start of the layout and then adding everything that is pre-unlocked, and then using the global variables that indicate if a secret item is unlocked, but that hasn't worked. This may be confusing to understand, so I have the file for the game here so you can try the game and see the glitch that I'm talking about. To quickly do this, just start the game, make a new game, spawn sand and spawn acid next to each other so you can unlock iron, then press M to save, press B and N at the same time to return to the menu, then press load recent save. When the game loads, observe the spawn menu and how iron is in the list twice. Please someone tell me how to fix this issue because it really makes the game annoying to play.

    Physics Sandbox.c3p

  • 9 posts