do you care more about money, or user experience and getting your product out there?
Focus too much on one and you lose sight of the other.
I think construct is handling piracy very well. Not to mention, it has been proven pirating can lead to profit (look at various court cases related to movie pirating). I personally know people who pirated construct to test out the not-free features...they bought it a week later.
Think about this:
Company A is greedy and has a program used by 500 people that is almost impossible to pirate but gives users a bad experience
Company B cares more about usability and has a program that is sometimes pirated and has over 500,000 downloads.
Which one is more known? Which most likely makes more money? Which would you use? Which would you actually buy?
Personally for my apps, I do not do much to prevent piracy. I think of it like this, there are some people who will pirate, and some who will not, and then there is everyone else. Lets say someone pirates my app, they love it but never buy it...They show it to all of their friends and some of them buy it while others pirate it too. Do to me allowing pirating, more people saw my app (which is mostly all I care about).