irina's Forum Posts

  • OK, i am opening template...

    added to "firendly bases" pushout solid behavior

    nothing happens... they overlap.

    then i add regular solid behavior

    they are solid now and i cant move them...

    i am now changing obstacles in Pathfind behavior to CUSTOM

    they can move now but they cant navigate proper path... (they seem to plot a straight line and just stop at obstacle)

    and enemy tanks are now crazy going straight through walls (i did not even touch them yet)

    and now im kinda lost...

  • Thank you for your advices but:

    1st solution is not working as one would expect...

    They are pushing each other over the solids... then glide, spin etc... lotsa wierd stuff...

    2nd is not working either... they are solid and they dont move.

    any other ideas?

  • sounds like a formation move to me...

    did you solved your problem?

  • looks amazing... aldo game crashed after 1-2 minutes...

  • Hello,

    I see that pathfinding... (or more likely units moving along path) still suffer from terrible overlaping.

    If you move them several times (a bit further path), they eventally all end up on top of each other...

    I persume that this is never going to be fixed...

    (maybe its not even considered as an issue)?

    Does anybody know, is there some sucessfull solution for this?

    Thank you!

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    so... inside mode is like... 3D is between other 2D layers?

    (that is something that is interesting to me)

    If so... can it be fixed?

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  • Three.js UP is DOWN in Construct2.

    Sorry for my ignorance... but why is that so?

    ...can it be normal?

  • russpuppy

    little 3D platformer demo


    hm... this is kinda upside down for me... no?

    Or is it just FireFox?

  • Strange that Ashley did not comment anything on this C2 "evolution".... ?

  • yes... great example for what i had in mind as 2dn preset: platformer... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    maybe this can be usefull to look into?

  • Great news!

    I think that ultimate solution would be for user to be able to select and dedicate one layer for this plugin.

    Where he make his 3D world.

    And that he can set underneath and above some layers that might be used for lets say... paralaxed background (if wanted so) or nav mesh perhaps and for GUI elements.

    have a look at this example: ... ed%29.capx

    This would be a 3D top/down world example for RPG, RTS etc.

    And since i cant find proper sample let us use our imagination and look at this same exmaple but as a platformer.

    so that green gras is actualy horizon and houses are boxes on wich player can jump etc.

    This would be 2 world examples that shoud be like preset to chose from regarding on game that were building (and physics is oriented acordingly).

    so 3 presets:

    1: top/down (if i use this preset... i just drag/drop obj. into layout and it is oriented in that manner that its top is facing me)... (i see the roof of building)

    2: platformer (if i use this preset... i just drag/drop obj. into layout and it is oriented in that manner that its top is facing up)... (i see the side of building)

    and maybe

    3: FPS/drive sim. (like your demo tanks where i can roam free)

    Hope im not tooo complicated? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">


  • Schoening

    Nah... its ok.

    I allso expected that its integrated into editor so that i visually work with it... as with other sprites and objects in C2.

    You might notice that all mine questions go in that direction...

    i imagined that 3D stuff can go into one dedicated layer and that i can work and manipulate them in editor.

  • Are you going to add support for the editor? That was the whole idea of my own plugin. So I would be able to use the editor to position objects...


    I was hoping for something that would integrate more with the Construct2 editor. Now I hardly see the point. If the point of the plugin is just to avoid looking at code but still makes me create every feature of collision and positioning then it might actually slow me down. In my demo I added support for the behaviors of Construct 2.

    I did not yet try Q3D but this is the way i meant that it works!

    I'll support you on this. This is the only logical way!


  • Ashley

    Is C2 capable for supporting a serious RTS multiplayer game (2-8 players, UDP, NAT Punchthrough etc.)?

    Game is still in plans but i would like to know before we start... can it be done properly with C2 or should we look towards Unity etc.?

    Thank you.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Can i export to desktop via node-webkit?