irina's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    I connected to the server in the example and it was laggy as all hell.. and if that's what multiplayer is like using that plugin, I'm better off with what I've managed to piece together with snippets of code...

    same expirience here...

    (my location is in Europe)

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  • rexrainbow

    Seems to work well, although I can't tell much without obstacles in the way to trip it up.

    However, I am seeing some aesthetically odd results.

    For example:

    Nine steps, yes, it's technically an acceptable path, and one of the shortest paths, but visually it's not the shortest path (just one of the shortest options given the tiles).

    Maybe you can add in a distance check, such that it will choose the shortest path that also *looks like* the shortest path, in that it's also the shortest linear distance?

    Just an idea.

    agree on this!

  • what do you mean... how can i not notice?

    i open capx on my machine and see my player and server player.

    if i connect with notebook i see that player too.

    ...but performance is just horrible...

    is there a way to test this capx online?

  • iw tested with NW.js export and result is the same... player, moves on its own, warps, loses health etc.

    realy noone else expirience this behaviour!?

  • Well, iw tested MP game example in IE and it says MULTIPLAYER NOT SUPPORTED

    so multiplayer is not working for 2 major browsers???

    this just cant be 4 real!?

  • I'm using the plugin( in C2 with Canvas+ and it works like magic. Social features, audio, ad, IAP, nice performance and so on, they are all working so well. I can surely tell everyone that CocoonJS is the only service that can make C2 project into well-polished app, not the kid's toy like flappy- something. However, we still cannot use the full features of CJS, like the local/push notification, due to lack of support. Is there any plans for that? I'm really hunger for that.


    I really love C2 and this have made my dreams come true, but C2 users couldn't have a chance to publish a fully featured application, ever! CocoonJS is the chance, so please don't ignore it. I subscribe your blog and understand that web tech's gonna dominate, but there's still so long ways to go. Crosswalk? You can't use it in the real project. No one wants to download 50MB+ apk for just a simple button clicking game(and you know there's a apk size limit).


    Ashely ??

  • Hello,

    I am just recently trying to explore multiplayer possibilities and i must say i am stunned hot those two example capx dont work (i think they are official?).

    I am opening them in firefox and test works horrible...

    player movement is jerky, some times it moves on its own, loses healty on its own, it wont move acordint to pressed keys etc.

    pong on my laptop vs pc kinda works but ball it self moves jerky and ping is cca 20-30ms !?

    what are your expiriences, is MP so poorly done or am i doing something wrong or is something else...?

    Thank you!


  • jomo

    Nice work!

    ...any chance you would share simple capx?

    i would love to see your MP implementation!



  • Oh, thank you MarkusR

    Thats bad news... becouse i dont know how to code and make a plugin...

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to use mobile camera snapshot and grab text via OCR?

    Maybe some plugin?


  • just to add one usefull link for future reference:

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Do you have some top/down example?

    Like RTS?


  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Hello, is this version any noob friendly, shall i buy it?

  • Thanks for the clarification.

    Is there a way to test plugin before buying it? (iw seen tiny tanks)

    Is there some scene presets like: platformer, RTS, FPS etc. from where then i can start poking arround?
