Intrepid's Forum Posts

  • There was an answer in your other topic, I'll post it here;

    Every tick

       add dt to reload

    Reload >= 1

       plane shoot bullet

       set reload to 0

    dt is just "dt". You can see it under system expressions.

    DT, or delta time, is the time between every tick.

    Basically, this will shoot something every 1 second. If you want it to shoot

    every 2 seconds, set it to 2. Every half second? 0.5.

    You want to do it this way so your game is framerate independent.

    It's important, since you want your game to run the same at all


    You can read more about delta time and framerate independence here.

    EDIT: I made a capx for you, check it out here.

  • EDIT: Looks like you deleted your post. I'll leave the next part be.

    Also, you'll want to check if reload is equal or greater than what you want.

    I typed it out kinda fast, and missed that. If you didn't do that, then

    dt might add an odd number to reload, and you'd get 1.03 or something,

    and the condition would never trigger.

  • You're going to want to use dt (delta time) for your reloading events.

    Here's a simple way to go about it;

    Every tick

       add dt to reload

    Reload = 1

       plane shoot bullet

       set reload to 0

    With this, you'll shoot every 1 second. You can change it to 1.5,

    and then you can shoot every second and a half.

    You can read more on deltatime here.

  • Okay, got it working by not zipping up the "phonegap" JS file along with everything else.

    Had me confused for a while, since the tutorial said to zip everything in

    the export file.

    Oh well, working now :)

  • I'm aware of that, but I'm using release 80.2, and that fix is for R81.

    I tried it anyway, still didn't work. Thanks though!

  • So I've been trying to get a project exported and working on my phone.

    But even with the simplest of projects, all I get on my phone is a white screen.

    I've set the resolution to the res my phone uses, set fullscreen to scale,

    all that jazz and it still doesn't work. I'm certain I'm exporting it properly,

    and I can't think of why it's not working. I tried it in R82 also, same thing.

    It works just fine when testing over WiFi, it's just exporting it to phonegap

    build seems to break it.

    I'm using an HTC Evo 4G, and

    this is what I'm testing with.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Got it updated, and on the arcade. Hit a few snags when I was trying it

    out in the arcade, but got them fixed up.

    Gonna try and scramble to get a few more levels made, thinking them up is

    much harder than I had originally planned.

    A little disappointed with how it turned out for the comp. I wanted to

    do more with it, but I managed my time poorly and in the end it shows.

    Not too late, however. Gonna be taking this well into the eleventh hour!

  • At first I was like... what is this. Then that gradually changed to me enjoying it. Getting stuck inside a platform stopped me but that seems to have been addressed already.

    I also noticed that if I fell off repeatedly it looked like the level entry text was stacking on-top as if it was creating multiple text instances (not sure).

    The GUI would also randomly disappear while I was turning things. Not sure if that's intentional or if I was dragging outside the playing field and causing issues.

    All and All. It's shaping up to become a fun game.

    Glad that in the end you liked it! Yes, the 'stucks' have been fixed.

    On the start text, it will be reset if the level resets. So if you

    fall off, the level will restart and the text will redisplay.

    If it's a bother I can fix it.

    If you rotate the layout(Layer 4), it'll hide the GUI because it looks

    really strange having it rotate along with everything else. I had it

    do that because I was a bit short on time, but I should be able to make

    it static now.

    Your comments are appreciated!

  • Yes! This is the kind of feedback I need. Thanks!

    Cool game intrepid. Nice idea.

    I seemed to get frozen both times i played - the player got stuck in between one of the layers. To get past some bits i was moving the platforms bit by bit so the player would stay on top of it (was i cheating?)

    No, I don't really see that as cheating. Yeah, getting the player stuck

    inside the platforms will freeze the controls, it's gonna be fixed

    in the next release.

    Maybe you should restrict movement of a platform that is touching the player. Regarding the layer complications - how about pattern coding those numbers as well as colour coding. Example) the number 2 will have the same brick pattern as the platform.

    Hmm, there's some good ideas. I might try what you suggested, locking out

    the layer the player is currently standing on. Then regarding the

    icons and the colors, I think as it is now it's fine. Were you confused

    by them, like it wasn't specific enough that this color rotates this

    color platform? If so, then yeah, I'll make it more specific than the colors, putting some of the patterns on the icons should make it clear.

    Platforms you cant move are greyed out - but dont even give players the option to select the layer when its not movable (IE if the player hits 3 when its not movable it stays on the current number instead). This should make things a bit clearer.

    Yep, I think this is what Kyatric was getting at with the feedback.

    I was going to make it buzz when you tried to select/rotate a locked layer,

    but having it not selectable at all will really help. Easily done, will

    be in the next release. I'll also try to grey out the platforms,

    although hopefully it won't be necessary.

    Your post was a big help, Genki, thanks!

    I like it good concept!

    I did also find I sometimes got stuck in the platforms though, and was also moving it bit by bit to move myself up =P

    Regarding controls, I think the keyboard plus mouse is fine, except for having to press 'Enter' for the next level as having to take my hand off the mouse is slightly annoying =)

    I think I'll either add another button to move to the next level, maybe E,

    or just put the key on the right MB. I'm leaning towards the RMB.

    Much appreciated guys, gonna be an update soon.

  • Thanks guys! Since I've got another week, I can put some polish on here,

    and add the levels I wanted to, but couldn't. It really needs some sound,

    and a better backdrop. Hopefully I can get a level select in there, too!

    Kyatric, do you have any suggestions from your experience with the

    mouse+keyboard? It definitely needs something for when you try to rotate

    a locked layer, but beyond that I'm not sure.

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Play me! Now on the Arcade!

    Arrow Keys/WAD = Move

    Up/W = Jump

    1/2/3/4 = Change layer

    This is my rotary competition entry. Putting it up here because

    the arcade isn't working right now.

    It's not as polished or as fleshed out as I wanted it to be, but that's

    what happens when you put projects off. I hope, though, that you can get

    an idea of what it could be from the levels I've made so far. It's

    also a landmark for me-- Been making games for about 9 years now, this

    is the first thing I've actually gotten to a state I can call


    Update 1.4

    -Slightly better main menu

    -Now saves progress

    -Level select


    -RMB now changes level

    -UI no longer disappears

    -No more "stucks"

    -Minor graphic updates

    So, bugs, comments, questions, anything really. I'd like to hear it!

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  • Thanks intrepid!

    That is really straight forward. So it looks like you need to have some code on a server in order for this to work. It seems like it is really easy to implement which is great. Again I feel that the chrome web store will be the best way to make money in 2012.

    No problem, but I'm pretty sure that's just for hosted apps. Here's that paragraph from the tutorial;

    You can set up a one-time payment for packaged apps only. However, this won't work for hosted apps - the user could just visit the URL, and there's no good way to secure a javascript app like Construct 2 exports. However, if you have (or know someone with) experience with server-side scripting, it's possible to integrate the Web Store Licensing API. Since this requires server-side code it's not something Construct 2 can enable without the necessary server-side scripts - you must create those yourself.

    So, if your app is under 10 mb, you don't have to host it, so no server-side scripting. If it's under 10 mb and you can package it, you don't need to do anything else on Construct2's side.

  • intrepid

    Do you know how to add that market API to the interface. Im not sure how to do it.

    Sorry, can't help you there. But, I've found some links you can read.

    Publishing your game to the Chrome webstore

    If I'm reading this right, you don't need to do anything if you're using

    a packaged app.

    Chrome webstore documentation

    This is Google's documentation about the webstore and its API.

    Hope this helps you out.

  • I think right now, if you want to sell your game the best route to go

    is through the chrome store. C2 has the exporter, although you might have to implement some of the market API yourself.

  • One question: How do i prevent the character from colliding with background scenary ? They're the same object :X

    You can set solid disabled with events.

    Just check your tile for whatever it is you use for your background,

    to me it looks like you're changing it's opacity.

    So, check the tile's opacity, or it's animation frame if that's what you're using, and then set solid disabled.