Instant's Forum Posts

  • Wow , that's actually quite good!

    What program did you make it in?

  • So , when are you doing this?

  • Any chance of replying to my question?

  • I'm not sure whether Construct supports tilesets , but then again I'm not sure if they are and I can't find it. The reason why? Metroid tiles. there is no way I am splitting every 16x16 box in it ( probably around 70 and over objects per tileset). So can I have some confirmation on this please?

    Thanks .

  • Ah. Thanks , mate.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • A sprite-sheet like animation .. customizer thingymabob would be particularily nice to have.

    As in , for example , you have a sprite sheet , and you can create boxes... for the animation...

    Agh , I'm probably making no sense .But basically , you could say select a line on a sprite sheet , and bind that to some sort of animation.

    So instead of having to copy out every frame , we can just use the sheet itself

  • Awaiting reply..

    Alot can be done before we need animations.

  • May I see / Hear your Original OST?

    I'm constantly trying out new things with reason , I'm mastering and making tracks for Soldjah boi ,

    And considering Metroid is the best game series IMO , I'd actually love to make some metroid-like tracks for you.

  • I'm guessing your foreign , but I noticed a rather large amount of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

    And the music is almost as bad as the "Black out band"

  • Thanks , yes , it does need mastering , and it's not atall finished. ( No sarcasm implied , I'm being serious though , it does need some serious mastering , and I haven't even put in a chorus yet.)

    I'm working right now on an ambientish track , maybe for the match screen , or main menu , or something.

    TEMP AMB TRACK : ... e=TMMS.mp3

  • Good work, Instant!

    It has a dark, sort of techno vibe to it. Did you compose it with a piano?

    (ummm... what's up with **** man"? )

    Technically yes , physically no.

    I used the music program REASON 4.0 ( It's actually called that in retail )

    Oh , and soldjah , is there still room for weapons?

    I've been fiddling around with a sort of Gravity well thing..

  • So has anybody listened to my theme yet?

  • But considering that is WORMS , not TONKS , and that it's also probably copyrighted.

    Anyway , had a shot at a theme , it's kinda more cyber-apocalypse , or something. I don't know :S ... le=TMT.mp3

    Go listen

  • Need any music , mate?

    One composer here.

  • Simple , really.

    When the tank dies , it spawns a larger "explosion" sprite ( it's in the default Construct files ) , then spawns a particle emitter , with a custom circle texture , one shot , at a 360 degree fire cone.

    Also , look at the status menu.

    Tech level?

    Looks like I'm going to be incorporating more turrets and upgrades.