I didn't check, if Megatronx is right. But assuming, there is a plugin that does all that is asked for here:
You would already have a solution to work with, but ignore it, just because it wasn't done by Ashley? While that is a great compliment showing the trust in Ashley, it isn't very fair to all those 3rd party plugs, is it? I mean, if the plug works now, is offered for free in the plugs section and you're now needing it, why hesitating? Has anyone hesitated to buy a smartphone, although knowing that it won't work with future standards (just think of LTE)?
Different situation, he's not an end-user, he's a developer. He might be developing a game he's going to sell, and if you're going to ship a product reliant on third-party components that may give up at any time and be unsupported, therefore, potentially making any game-breaking bugs irreparable... then you see the potential issue. Combine that with the fact that
Eisenhans did suffer something similar judging by his wording, his avoidance is completely validated. If they hadn't experienced a set-back, loss or massive stress (or all of the above), avoiding third-party plug-ins because of a 'just-in-case' notion is still not a bad thing. Concern and caution are good measures to take.