Innovo's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound -- This is perfect! Man, I searched the tutorial section for hours and can't believe I didn't find this. Thanks!

  • With the current popularity of the idle game genre, I thought I'd give my own shot at it, and it's mostly math in the background I realize that simply has a GUI. But there is one thing I can't seem to get the hang of.

    If you've ever played an idle game, you'll know that money (or other currencies) gets to a pretty high level. My problem is that I can't quite get my head around the logic behind number suffixes or just number formatting in general.

    For instance, 1 million might be 1.00M or 1x10^6 or 1 Million and so on and so forth with larger numbers like Novemquadragintillion or 1x10^150.

    How would one do this in as simplest terms as possible with the event system?

    To create some specific question points:

    How does one format numbers with suffixes like Million or M?

    How does one format numbers with scientific notation?

    How does one format numbers with a specific amount of decimal places show at all times? (1,000 as 1.00K and 100,000 as 100.00K and so forth)

    How does one change from one suffix to the next forwards and back (as in gaining money and spending it per the idle game idea)?

    I've pretty much got a hold on everything else but this is just something I feel like I need some extra assistance/explanation on.

  • I actually have no need for negative numbers but if I ever do, this will come in handy. Haha.

  • You could also use regex:


    (yournumber is the variable containing your number). If you always want 3 digits at the end, you have to rewrite it.

    This actually makes a lot more sense to me. Is that weird? Haha.

  • I'm not sure how that would work with my capx... I'm already using floor to round the numbers?

  • Below is the link to a simple project I'm doing to teach myself how to format numbers. The numbers go through a sort of case statement to figure out the end suffix of the number (this isn't my problem though if you guys know of an easier way to do what I've already done, feel free to chime in on that as well).

    My problem is that I want the decimal places to be truncated down to the first 3 numbers after the decimal point (thousandths place) but I can't figure out how to do this. I've been searching the forums for awhile now and couldn't find a solution on here or in the manual so if anyone has a solution, I would be very appreciative!

  • Thanks for all your help on this and my other thread. You've been extremely helpful, even to the planning and projection process of the game I am planning on making. Right now, me and my partner are working on getting establishes as a single legal entity so I can't quite sign up for Steamworks yet (I was looking over it last night), but as soon as we do that, I will be more than happy to shoot you a PM/email with proof of the signed NDA.

    Until then, thanks again for all the help, and good luck with your launch today! I hope to join you in the indie section in due time. (;

  • I was sent to use an experimental plugin by Ashley that integrates the Steamworks API through Greenworks and Node Webkit.

    However, and this may be really obvious, I'm not entirely sure how to use this plugin in it's entirety. For instance, adding achievements. I see where you would do that, adding it as an object than using an event to call an achievement. But where do you actually input the achievement information (name of the achievement for example)?

    Also, Cloud Saving, Badges, Trading Cards. How are all of these implemented? I don't seem to see any event options pertaining to these things, yet I've been told they work.

    I know has used this with success. Does anyone else know how to implement this in the ways similar to Cosmochoria?

    Plugin in question:

  • - I really didn't expect a reply from someone who has a game already on Steam. Can I ask you another question? I know you also kickstarted your game, I had the idea that if me and my partner tried to kickstart a game and was then successfully kickstarted, we may be able to circumvent the greenlight program on Steam. Do you think this is accurate or do you believe it is a case by case basis at Valve's discretion?

    briggybros - Thanks for the info! I trust basically anything produced by Ashley. Haha.

  • If one were to have the opportunity to post a game made by Construct 2 onto Steam, would one be able to integrated things from the Steamworks API into the game?

    For instance, Achievement integration?

  • Instead of using System->compare use system->"pick by comparison". The system->compare condition does no picking so it only ever compares with the first instance.

    Dude, you are a lowkey livesaver. Haha. Made the entire thing work like a charm. Loving these forums and how helpful the community is. It makes creating games that much more fun.


  • I've been getting my fair share out of these forums lately. But I'm glad they are here, really excited about this program and what I can do with it!

    Anyway, after fixing an instancing problem I was facing with the help of these forums, I've come across another bug with what I'm trying to do (bring instances of items to a player character when they are within a certain distance of the instanced item).

    Below is the capx file, and in it you'll see that the magnetizing concept works fine for the first coin but the detection is acting strangely. It seems to be working for only random coins when it should be working for all of them. The second coin, you can stand right beside it and it won't budge. The furthest one you can stand directly under and it won't move (even if I crank the global variable determining the distance needed for the detection).

    EDIT: If I crank the variable high enough, it does work on all coins. But it seems anything below 100 doesn't. Also, if I get close to the coin and jump, THEN it activates and is attracted to the player... am I missing something with the event for detection that requires a vertical update before it gets attracted? I don't understand it. Haha.

    Any help with this problem?


    This capx file allows you to see better how sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. (also xbox gamepad support woot)

  • Ah yes. An easy fix as I thought it would be. Thanks! Haha.

  • I'm trying to create a magnetic attraction to specific instances of an item towards the player character when they are within a certain distance of the specific instance.

    I have the magnetize logic down and it seems to work fine except I can't seem to find a way to make it only work for the nearest instance. Instead it works for every instance on the level.

    I'm new to this program so this might be an easy fix, but any help would be appreciated! The capx file is links below and I've set the movement to WASD.

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  • Yeah! I can see how setting it to a Global variable and then simply setting an event that checks different tools instanced variables and assigning the value of the global variable to the tool's range variable would allow for an increase or decrease in distance. Awesome.