inkBot's Forum Posts

  • The internet browser isn't really something Sony is focusing on so I don't think we'll see html5 on it, it can barely, just barely, do flash. I doubt it even has access to half of the systems power.

  • Is this closer to what you were expecting?

    I would say that the ordering and unspecific instructions are the problem, but I've tried with and without a For Each condition and it functions pretty much equally (I left it in though). I've placed the destroy event before and after the creation events, same thing.

    So I changed it from the object itself spawning the new objects to simply creating them with the system create object action. what you can do with spawn object from object you can do with system create object, just better imo. I think there may be an issue with how c2 picks objects that are created by other objects. However, I'm just guessing.

  • That worked nicely.

  • As I said in the "Your Creations" section I figured I'd make a little timestamp application for myself, using the Date object to get the time data, but after making one "timestamp" the times are the same each time after that. I'm not sure why this is.

  • Not a game or particularly complicated. I realized I wanted a way to keep track of how much time I spend working. So I figured "Why not make it myself?" Hence, Timestamper. Pretty simple really. 5 buttons. Start and Stop for session, Start and stop for breaks, and Save Timestamps to File, which does pretty much what it says (though it only saves stamps to timestamps.txt, overwriting the previous file, which is fine for me personally).

    <img src="" border="0">

    Edit: Gah, I just realized I made a mistake. Not sure why but the timestamps for every one are the same the first one.

    Edit 2: It's working now.

  • You can zoom out and in by holding ctrl and then use the mouse wheel to zoom. I'd advise against zooming out to below 100% though. The grid doesn't seem to line up when you do that. Seems to work fine when you zoom in though.

  • CC is dead to me now.D:

  • Gotta say the new UI (well, what you can see anyway =P ) looks slick, and way more user friendly.

    I've given the Lite version a go and I have some thoughts/suggestions.

    One feature that this tool will need is onion skinning. Especially if you want it to be competitive when compared to other software.

    After trying it out, the way the program currently handles Z ordering is clunky. In fact, if you do not check the pdf's or the shortcuts option in help, you will likely not even know it's there. I'd suggest adding a tree view of the Z order, and buttons in the ui for moving the selected item(s) one step back/forward, and for moving to the back/front completely.

    I can't comment on action points/collision rectangles since they're not available in the Lite version. Though those (especially collision rectangles) are the features that I'm really interested in.

    Hope you can make this product the best it can be.

    Edit: Motion tweeing is probably good to add as an option too.

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  • When you tried to copy from GIMP, did you actually select the area you were trying to copy, before clicking copy? The majority of bitmap editors will not copy anything to the clipboard unless you have selected it beforehand.

  • If it's as useful as the CC equivalent? Heck yeah! =)

  • I posted a link to the CC wiki article about families earlier in the thread.

  • Just thought of another limitation of parallax in its current state (making a new post because the page keeps crashing when I try to edit my post, dunno if it's because of chrome or the site itself).

    I think it would be a good addition to be able to designate an origin for the parallax. If I make a layout and want the player(s) to start out in the middle, the parallax will originate from the top left, when I would want it to originate from the middle of the layout.

  • That's what it's for though... how come it's not terribly useful for that? Does it not line up with the runtime?

    I realize that that is what it is for, the thing is you don't really have a frame of reference when you activate that feature (unless I'm really missing something). Essentially, it's difficult to tell if it's lining up with the runtime properly or not.

    A way to 'fix' it would be to have a viewport mode of sorts, that gives you a rectangle (depending on your games dimensions of course) and make it so that what is in that rectangle is what you would see during runtime.

    I don't think any browsers currently support controllers, but I believe it's being worked on in the HTML5 spec.

    Let's just cross our fingers and hope then ^^

  • I've been thinking about features for C2 and I figured I'd make a thread about it.

    Tile-specific positioning system.

    I brought this idea up for discussion earlier in a thread. Would a positioning system for tiles have any merit? I'm thinking rows and columns a la Excel. I think, if done right, it could help those making games based on grids a great deal (including platform games using bitwise terrain), since you could find a specific tile instead of jumping through hoops with the standard X, Y system. But I'm wondering if it's a worthwile idea.

    Better parallax control.

    After I finished writing a bit about parallax controls I checked (just to be sure) and saw that C2 does in fact allow you to show the parallax in editor-time. It's nice, but it's not terribly usefull when you want to place a parallax element to appear at a specific place.

    Being able to change scroll rate during runtime would probably be a good idea.

    Controller support in browsers.

    We don't have controller support yet, but I think it's pretty fair to say that we'll get to that eventually. However, what is the likelyhood of controller support for browsers?

    From what I can gather browsers tend to not support things other than mouse and keyboard, seemingly for security reasons. I'm no expert so I'm wondering, is controller support for browser based games a no-go, or is it possible?

    I personally have no problems using joy2key, xpadder or similar apps to get controller support for games, but as a developer I'd be insane to assume that a consumer would go to that length to play my game with a controller.

  • To be on the safe side you could add both audiere and xaudio to your game and give the player an option to change which audio plugin is used. Would require a bit of finagling to do, but probably worth it if you want to cover all possibilities.