InDWrekt's Forum Posts

  • I prefer to place the ui on a layer that has the Parallax set to o%. This makes it so the ui stays stationary on the screen. Then, you don't need it to follow the player.

  • Yes, it is possible to make a level editor. There are multiple tutorials online the teach how to do this. For example:

    The video will help you with the basics. I hope it helps.

  • The image doesn't give any information about your collision polys. The only thing I can see that seems a little off is possibly the placement of the hat on the character. That may just be the style you are going for and not an issue.

    Can you give a little more information about the issue you are having. Really, the best way to get help would be to post the project so I can open it and take a look at how it is configured. I would be happy to help you out with your problem.

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  • I assume the "trim(right .... I get something completely different" means you are seeing the timezone. Your result probably doesn't show it because the text area you set up is too small but if you extended that out you would see something like:

    Tue Oct 13 2020 09:24:49 GMT-0

    If you shrink the size of your left command to just the first 24 characters, you don't get the timezone.

    Try this:

    TEXT | set text = right(trim(left(Browser.ExecJS("Date()"),24)),8)

    This does exactly what you have already figured out, except only getting the first 24 characters, but then gets just the 8 characters on the right side.

  • I have a Spriter object with multiple character maps. These maps are meant to be purchasable skins. I have a starting set but plan on adding more after the game is released.

    What I would like to know is, what is the correct way to update the Spriter object each time I add a new character map?

    I have found a way to update the project but it requires opening the project file in zip software. Finding the folder that contains all the images. Adding the new images to the archive renamed to match the naming scheme of the loaded files (this isn't easy because the naming scheme doesn't always contain the name of the original file so I have to deduce the name and hope it is correct). Then, I have to paste in the scon file text into the scon file in Construct. If I have done ALL those things correctly, then and only then, will the new character map be usable.

    This all seems like WAY more work than it should be. So, I am wondering what is the correct way to do this? Thank you in advance for your answers.


  • It's looking pretty good. I like the increasing difficulty. The message warning about the "Rival Mech" was nice. The controls were easy to figure out but it would be nice to get some instruction about them up front.

    A couple constructive suggestions:

    Your mech rotates around the shoulder instead of the center of mass. You need to adjust the location of the sprites origin.

    Warning messages would be better if they were given more focus. In other words, when the rival mech shows up, the message should be big, bold, bright and in the center of focus so the player doesn't miss it.

    Finally, I didn't see a message when the rival mech was destroyed. It was off screen and I kept circling around to find it. I realized it was gone when I just stopped moving and got swarmed by normal soldiers.

    All in all, a good start.


    Take a look at the changes I made to your sample project. The flame column has a new local variable to record the last time its state changed. The "Else" event was what was causing a couple of the issues you saw. I replaced it with specific events. Be careful with the else statement. It's not always the best way to do things.

  • Try giving the targeting reticule the pin behavior and pinning it the the clicked enemy. If you pin it instead of setting it to follow a specific enemy, it should follow more precisely.

  • For question 3, you just need to add a system condition called "Trigger once while true."

  • The ? character is the beginning of a conditional operator. It's an if, then statement. It is used like this:

    condition ? result if condition is true : result if condition is false

    Your statement says:

    IF (GlobalNumberN - CountIDLimitMax) > 0 then

    IF (GlobalNumberN + CountIDLimitMax) > CountIDLimitMax then

    CountIDLimitMax + GlobalNumberN

    but it is missing bolth ELSE statements which are started by the : symbol.

    What exactly are you trying to do with this statement?

  • Read this document on Googles developer site. It may give you some information that can help you. ... gameCenter

  • Take a look at my answer to this forum post:

  • This is a known issue caused by the effect of scaling a tiled object. Basically put, when you scale the tiled background, spaces may appear because the images making up the tiles scale as well and may not scale the same.

    Basically, if you scale a 100 x 100 object made up of a tiled 10 x 10 image down to 95 x 95, the 10 x 10 image has to scale down to 9 x 9. Pixels don't have the ability to show just half a pixel. This means the first 2 tiles will be right next to each other then there will be a 1 pixel space between the next. This isn't an issue in C2, it is the nature of how pixels work.

    C2 has a way to deal with this by implementing "Seamless Mode." If you had read through the manual, you would have found the information about this here:

    I hope that helps you out and good luck with your project.

  • This topic has been dealt with many times in these forums. A simple search of the forums would have shown a plethora of ways to implement a health bar. For example, take a look at my post in this topic:


    There are also many tutorials covering this information. Take a look at this one: