Indomitus's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound thanks for your answer, great that there's a way to achieve this, though, for me looks a bit abstract due my knowledge on C2 and mathematics (tried a couple of days trying to figure out what you wrote), however, I'm always amazed by people that has this knowledge and I would like to understand these formulas.

    You mentioned a horizontal angle of motion, maybe I didn't explain myself so good, but the game is like billiard, where the ball bounces against the rails, thus changing its angle. I used the angle formula, but every time when the ball stops it changes the angle of the current frame to horizontal.

    Are these formulas still working for what I need? By the way, I'm using 40 frames in my animation.

    Much appreciated.

  • Hello fellas!

    I don't want to be considered as a spammer, but unfortunately the information I found on the forums was to less and sometimes incomplete, that's why I bring the topic again and I hope we get it right.

    My case is that I have a physics ball which I want to animate its movement. It has already several frames to make the rolling illusion.

    The thing is that I would like to get the speed to move the frames, thus getting a real effect.

    I already tried a few codes without any success:

    distance(0,0,sprite.physics.velocityX,sprite.physics.velocityY) to get the speed, and angle (0,0,sprite.physics.velocityX,sprite.physics.velocityY) to get the angle of the shot.

    I also tried to change from physics to bullet and the results where even crazier than before.

    I think this should be achievable, and if we find a solution it will be a great input since this is an important way to simulate some kind of 3D in the Construct's 2D environment.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Sorry for the delay on my post. After cooling my head down I could understand what you said and worked like a charm, thanks a lot!

  • Hi Wastrel, can we get the working capx back, please? I'm looking for the same information and didn't alert you before, thanks in advance!

  • Hi there, eski can we get the links back if possible? thanks!

  • Hi Stain, thanks for your fast response!

    Sorry but I still don`t get it, part of my brain is fried right now. Can you explain it once again, please?

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  • Hello again Constructors! once again I need some help from the pros...

    I have been developing a game which uses a catapult system, specifically the power of the shot is equal to the distance between the touch (cursor) position and the ball position.

    The thing is that I have a radial power bar with 24 frames that should display the force of the shot. The idea is to link all together, if the cursor gets closer then the radial bar should be something around the 3rd or 6th frame.

    There should be a limitation on the force as well, because the max force will be when the radial reaches the 24th frame, even if the player points far in the distance the max force should stay at the same value for the 24th frame.

    I'm not sure if I explained it in a way it doesn't look complicated, I don't have a CAPX due this problem is quite abstract for me right now. Though questions are more than welcome to clarify the information for those helping minds

    Thanks in advance!

  • Bump.

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback Sbucci, I edited the post a little bit!


  • Perfect, this is what I was looking for! I still need to learn more about global variables, seems like with it I can save more time and space on the code.

    Thanks a lot to all of you guys, Siz I owe you one


  • C2 Developer and a Sound designer needed to work on an unannounced game.

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    We are looking for someone committed, organized and responsible, able to accept challenges and turn them into successful results. Someone who can teamwork and learn from good and bad experiences as well.

    Unfortunately, we cannot offer a salary yet till the project is finished, but we can offer you a team, someone to work with, and the possibility to stick with us and see together what's coming in a future.

    We consider ourselves persons who loves art and videogames and we believe in what we do. We are friendly, professional and we are looking for kindred people.

    For further information, please send me a private message.


  • Hi Lord,

    Thanks for your demo!

    But it has the same problem that Random and I have. The countdown should be with four zeros, example: 03:09. Because it's showing 3:9, and this case, is not right.

    Hope we could find a solution, Cheers!

  • Bump

  • Hi Joel,

    I really like your method, but unfortunately I would like to have a "01:03" format, as you said. Is there any possibility to apply this to your example by any chance?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Hi Random,

    First of all I would like to thank you for a prompt response!

    The player should select between a game of 10:00 or 5:00, that's the reason I have 2 global variables "10minsTimer" and "5minsTimer", which I would like to have each countdown working separated. I can follow what you say, but in this case I think it works just for one countdown.

    The value of my 10 minutes variable is 600 and 300 for the 5 minutes. Hope this can help a bit more.
