honestly it worked just fine since i just wanted to make it be able to shoot every .5 seconds
thanks! worked great i used the sine
How would I go about making a sprite thats not controlled by the player move left to right and or move down?
thanks volkiller
I want to make it so that there is kind of a cool down on shooting so that you cant just spam the shoot button
Omg im sorry XD I realized it was inside a solid so it couldnt move didnt notice it so thanks a lot!
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Wait nevermind thats not making it move
Is it possible to change the size of the dotted line that what ever is inside it show on screen?
Im making a game with a top down view kinda like galaga but its not showing the entire layout once i run the game
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it!
how do i make it so that the character only can move left and right without changing directions? like galaga i guess
I finally got to make a sprite shoot what im using as the bullet but its being shot to the right of it. I want it to be shot towards the top of the screen how would i do this?