ilgreco112's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • ... hmmm doesn't do the trick :/

    cry cry cry

  • blackhornet thansk!

    saiyadjin I think this can help but I cant figure out how to use pick all instance AND every 0.2 sec to regenerate them :/, I can either chose one or the other, but can't make an action every 0.2sec ... did I miss something ?

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  • Hello everybody!

    I've been searching all the evening to fix pathfnding on the game I want to create, I hope someone will be helpful because I'm stuck...

    well let me explain the problem simply:

    • I want an object to be created every "X" seconds and go from A to B (top to bottom), and add obstacles on mousclic / touch (on a tiled background, so the "floor" is a grid and my object moves from A to B on the center.

    The problem is when I refresh with:

    "System: Every Tick: MovingObject: Regenerate Pathfinding Obstacle Map"

    ... The obstacles I've put with "OnTouch" are only visible for newer moving objects, those who are already created don't see the obstacles, and they ignore newer obstacles... I've search all the afternoon/evening and could'nt find a solution (all I found was the " "System: Every Tick: MovingObject: Regenerate Pathfinding Obstacle Map" but it didn't fix the problem.

    here's my capx in MEGA: thanks in advance if anyone can help, it may be simple but I can't see what I'm missing

  • 3 posts