Nope, it's already set. When i first positioned the other sprites a few days ago, it works but today when i positioned another sprite, the sprite goes way off.
I read that it may be due to the change of layout but i am not sure.
i found some threads about limiting rotation angle but i still cant solve it.
My character's arm is rotating towards the mouse but i need to set certain angle range so it wont go backwards. I realize the 0 degree starts horizontally.
Anyone can provide me some example files or ways?
Hi when i set my sprite position to another sprite, it is way off. I tried using 'pin' and it is also way off the origin point.
Any fix?
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Hey sorry, i realized i need to input the mouse.
Hi i am new to construct 2.
I am trying out the beginner tutorial and when i entered 'Mouse.X' in the system events, it tells me that it is a unknown expression.
A bug or something i missed?