Hi, i am wondering how do i delete mass number of sprites in my project? It seem that i can only select and delete one sprite at a time.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Hi, my game zip file is around 23 mb in size. Is it too big?
I am asking that because for some reason, my game will get stuck at the first layout as if it is still loading. The beginning loading screen is pretty fast though but it gets stuck at the first layout.
yea that;s what i am wondering.. why does it takes such a long delay? anyone has a solution?
It got stuck right after the character selection. It is supposed to go to the next layout. I have to wait for quite some time before the next layout loads..
What's with it?
Hi i got my game on clay.io.
The game size is around 25mb. It takes quite a long time to load and it lags even longer to go to the next layout.
I turned off enable webGL and even removed the music but it is still lagging.
Do anyone has a solution?
Hi , i got my game on clay.io
I realized that the game loads pretty fast but it gets stuck on the next layout. I waited for quite some time before the next layout shows up. It is as if it is loading on the next layout instead on the first loading screen.
What's the problem?
the game - hungryghost.clay.io
Hi, i used to be able to preview my game over wifi but unable to do it recently.
Is it something wrong with my internet service?
Hi, i realized that the display view for mobile won't work correctly on web browser. If i used letterbox scale, the game looks weird on browser.
How do i make sure that the display view works for both mobile and web? or is it that i need to create a game separately for the mobile and the web?
Hi i am using webstorage to store the data that tells that the player has bought certain items. I am using webstorage local value
Is it a safe way? or other better methods?
Hi, so i have created a game but i want to see how it will actual look like on a mobile phone. Using the local wifi method has the address bar which isn't accurate.
I am aware of the cocoon service that plays the apk file on the phone. Can i use that to determine the actual size?
Hi, so i successfully bought a item using clay.io.
I wanted to fetch the item
itemid = 111
if 'itemid' == 'Clayio.FetchedItemId(Clayio.FetchedItemCount )'
it is not fetching the data.
I think i am doing it wrong, what do i do?
Hey austin, that link you posted isn't working nor i can found it on your website.
I send the capx file to you via pm
See this thread
Then the pause function must be causing the frame rate to drop?
Here's a thread to help with performance