IGamesProduction's Forum Posts

  • hey guys...

    what i want to do is to add my new simple game to the PLAY STORE i saw the crosswalk article but it looks like crosswalk is not for google play but just to test my game? i feel wrong.

    guys i asked this question too many time and still couldn't getit . please tell me step by step how can i get my game on the play store!!

    i looked up on the andriod developer thing and it looks like i will have to pay a fee of 25$ is this true?

    thx for all ....

  • Full Editor > Below the submit button is tabs

    [Options] [Upload attachment]

    Use the upload attachment.

    i know can enter the problem was because i was openning 7 of my layouts at the same time thus my laptop couldn't handle that

  • Closing, there is nothing we can possibly do in response to a bug report like this, please follow the guidelines.

    no.... i didn't know how to upload the capx!!!!

  • Problem Description

    ____ c2 crashes all my computer ____

    Attach a Capx

    ____ Upload a Capx to this post ____

    Description of Capx

    ____ a simple physics based game ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3 etc.

    Observed Result

    ____ once i open my project on c2 it keeps taking more and more of my memory till my computer crashes. c2 alone take 85% of my memory ____

    Expected Result

    ____ computer crashes ____

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____windows 7 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ c2 r178 ____

  • ok maybe its from my huge pictures..... i compressed the pictures but i cant't even open construct 2 tor replace the old ones

  • Does this happen when just loading your project, or when you try previewing it?

    If it's when previewing, then have you tried using debug to see if you have a runaway cascade bug whereby it's creating an endless number of objects?

    Other than that, yuo might need to post your.capx for others to try for you.

    nah just when i am loading not even previewing it. i dont think its because of my progect. like 270mb of memory aren't that big to make a 3gb memory computer stay still! btw i never open any other program along side c2 in the same tome.

  • > it just says 270mb but on my task maneger it is ALOT ALOT more it is in gbs like for real it takes ALL my memory


    The fact you are using the free version says you didn't abide by the laws of performance. Your project shouldn't go bigger than 250mb, and that is on pretty big game. My guess is you have some pretty big images (lots of pixels) which might be 1mb compressed, but images decompress in memory which means even 15 very big images will bring most computers to a standstill.

    Ashley has writen lots with regards to images/performance and tips etc.

    indeed i have a very big game.... i want to make a complete game...diffrent levels, level select, main menue , tutorial........

    and also i am still considered a beginner thus i am not very good at compresssing my games to the limit! but i'll try to do that

  • i tried uninstalling and reinstalling and still the same thing its memory keeps increasing and increasing till it reaches 200,500,000K !!!!!!!

  • it just says 270mb but on my task maneger it is ALOT ALOT more it is in gbs like for real it takes ALL my memory

  • Are you saying that just launching C2 without a project, eats up that amount of memory?

    If so, then I would suggest uninstalling C2, reboot and reinstall from a fresh downloaded C2, or even install the previous version, because I know you would have kept a backup before updating!?

    C2 takes up virtually no resources, memory or CPU, on my Win 7 PC, so something is definitely amiss.

    no not without opening the project but without previewing it .

    i dont know i will try that because i really tried EVERYTHING to boost my ram and it did boost it but still not even close to enough for the enormous amount of memory it takes

  • Try Construct 3

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  • guys i have a 3gb ram computer and once i open my project on construct not even previewing it my physical memory becomes on 98% like construct 2 ALONE takes 85% of my memory!!!!!! my whole pc crashes and i have to turn it off. btw once i close construct 2 my memory goes down to 14%. like are you serious!

    i dont know what to do! i tried every thing i scanned for viruses i deleted ALL unnecessary programs or programs that run in the background i even made my windoes 7 from aero to basic to lower the memory down and increase some performance, i deleted my %temp% files and still nothing happens.

    please answer me asap!! i neeed to finish my progect in under a weeks time. and i cant even open construct 2!!!

    note that didn't happen before i updated my consturct 2 to r178.

  • > but still... what can i use instead of letterbox scale i mean when i preview it in scale outer or scale inner it looks wier in the browser


    It depends how you design your project. I use scale outer and anchor UI-elements to right places. Take a look at some tutorials how to build a nicely scalable game, it takes some time and testing to get things right. Good luck!

    the problem is that i dont have the full version right now so i can't test it

  • A good place is in the .

    The easiest way and less headaches is to use .

    The tutorial is easy to follow and I've used it a number times with little issues.

    what exactly is cross walk?

  • Are you sure you're using the latest version? The original post is from last February, and we've made many updates since then.

    i am using construct 2 r178 and can't do any thing with my 3 gb ram construct 2 ALONE take 91% of my memory

  • hey guys.... i really need to publish my game on Android but i don't know where the fu** should i start i downloaded the Intel xdk and if i know that i can publish i will buy the businesses version in order to be able to export to andriod.. but guys what should i do????. i am a beginning so please take it easy on me and tell me step by step what should i do to get my game on Google play.. please should i export to andriod or concoon or intel sxdk