iespinosa22's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Thank you very much friend.

  • I've been working on a project for a couple of days

    similar to a stepmania, however I have seen no options at the time

    of the important thing (that the arrows appear to the rhythm of the music)

    which has led me to ask for help to know two things.

    1. Is it possible to do this type of games in construct2?

    2. If so, how do I do that mechanics?

    And if by chance someone is given some other solution I am open to suggestions.

    Thank you very much.

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  • Mr. or Mrs. Shirokuma:

    With all due respect I address you in the most grateful way possible as this post and its subsequent examples ended my desperate search.

    The solution was no big deal, but I did not get to see it and you indirectly brought light to my terrible problem. I would have liked to write to you by MP

    but there was no way, you know that, I had been looking for a solution for several hours now and just before I gave up I posted this post.

    Thank you very much, I can not get the words of gratitude for your excellent work.

    With the due respect of the owner of the post I say goodbye.

  • 3 posts