IcticStep's Forum Posts

  • Guess you could turn off filtering. That would answer a question.

    Not the question, but here we are.

    Yeah, it`s working. Game looks like the worst sheet in the world, but it definetly works...

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  • Fib, fredriksthlm,

    Nice idea to look to the spritesheets, what I have just done. But result of my research is bad. Problem is more serious, because I didn`t found green objects near the circle:

    Very strange thing...

  • This is a very common issue, I see it often.

    I believe it stems from the spritesheets. If you have background images in your projects they can bleed to the sprites close to them in the sheet. Even if you have transparent borders of your sprites. But backgrounds don't, so they bleeeed

    I don't know how to come around this.

    Ohhh... It seems like I understood the problem... Okay, now we should wait Ashley`s comments about this. I hope it would be not too hard to fix this visual bug by adding space around tiling objects in the spritesheet.

  • Try adding a transparent pixel around the border, or just click the crop button in the Sprite editor.

    Done before making the post. Nothing changed.

  • It might be a Tiled Background wrapping around the other side of the image, or it might be spritesheet bleed from an adjacent image. As ever it's hard to say for sure without seeing a project file. If it's the latter, changing the downscaling quality may help.

    I don`t have very big wanting to share my project with over 300 objects and over 2000 actions, but I have seen this bug even in new project sometimes, when at least one object exist.

    I have croped the object just after meeting this bug, but this gave no result. Also I am not shure that setting a higher quality is a good practice because I have a really big project now and I am going to build it for android, so high quality downscaling would kill perfomance in the game.

    I feel myself a little bit stupid. Is ther any other ways to fix such bug?

    P.S.: Do you recommend me an option, which was labelled by yourself as "not reccomended"? :D

  • It looks like a core bug of all Construct Engines(have seen it by myself on C3 and C2). I can`t understand on what it depends on. I have tried many times to reproduce it by some steps but I have failed. I can see it very often but I don`t understand why. All problem is in such a line near the sprite object:

    (look at the top of the circle: there is a small line, but image in the sprite is just a clear circle)

    Zoomed in:

    It can be showed on any sight of the object and. I have often seen such lines, but I can`t understand how to reproduce it to report to developers. Maybe someone have ideas?

    I have tried to make a new project but all my ideas to make such bug again were unsuccessful. Today, after opening my big project, I can see this line even in editor. But the main problem is that the line can appear in finished build on any device. I have tested Android and PC.


  • you need to use many short line segments to draw a bezier curve. As you drag around objects, you need to constantly redraw the line.

    I read through an article about bezier curves several months ago and made a test capx to play around with. There aren't many comments in there explaining what is going on...

    the two most important parts are the function "DrawBezier" (which needs a start point, end point, and two control points), and DrawConnector (which just needs a start and end point, and assumes the control points line up with the start and end points).


    OK, thanks a lot. Your code was really hard to understand, but you have made a very important thing: you have showed me a posibility of completing this task, so infinite thanks! I have read by myself about bezier Curves and now I have a made better optimized version of making bezier curves using drawing canvas and connected Touch-control to draw them. If anyone need this project, you may access it by the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hcrxp5gZB07XCQLcAfcjgBa6YlV44bki

  • Hello everyone. I need to make a node system for a puzzle game. It should looks like a node-based visual scripting in UE4 and work with touch controls. Something like this:

    But how can I make a smooth curve in Constuct 3? I can`t even imagine how to make this wwith default tools.


  • To make really clean restart, you need delete information about your positions, but I can`t know wher do you keep it without checking the code. However, you can use "save" action on the start of the level and just use action "load", when restart is needed.

  • The number of mistakes has increased to 173. Latest log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9os5b29ip2vszfg/uk-UA-2020-02-24.txt?dl=0

    It still looks like there's inappropriate use of machine translation.

    All these mistakes will need to be fixed before we can proceed to the next stage of review.

    Seems, that I have fixed everything but I can`t found a value for a key "text.ui.bars.project.confirm-delete.transitions.other". Can`t wait to hear from you about further translation progress.

  • OK, great thanks for everyone, tho took part. After all I have made the biggest part work for myselft, but I really glad and thankful for everyone who tried to help. Now this formula works with any layout and screenSize(change '1080' in you screen height and 179 in your additional interface height). So, the final variant is:


    It works really great, so if anyone more neeed this, you may copy it, but I would be glad if you mention me in final titles smth like this "Special thanks to Ictic_Step, my dog, my friends and family". Have a nice day, developers!

  • OK, great thanks for help in finding my mistakes. After few hours thinking, testing and debuging I have found the ideal, universal formula and now it works perfect in any situation. So, infinite thanks to the AllanR for finding a big mistake and now formula looks like this:


    It works really great, so if anyone more neeed this, you may copy it, but I would be glad if you mention me in final titles smth like this "Special thanks to Ictic_STpe, my dog, my friends and family". Have a nice day, developers!

  • the fact that it was close was more luck than anything...

    the place where you set the slider's position - you were including BrowserSliderMainPart.Height but its height is zero because you replaced it with 9patchSlider.

    the first part of that calculation (scrolly-(1080/2))/LayoutHeight) only works out to 0 to 0.5 because scrolly goes from 540 to 1620. to get it to go from 0 to 1, either multiply that result by 2, or change it to (scrolly-(1080/2))/1080)

    but that assumes the layout height will always be 2160. If you want the scrollable area to be variable, it gets a little trickier. Either you have to change the canvas size as required, or use unbounded scrolling and manually control where scrolly starts and stops.

    the second part of the above calculation needs to factor in the height of 9patchSlider, so the over-all calculation would be something like:




    Billions of thanks! It is so hard to detect mistakes in own code. It works real perfect when layoutHeight = 2160. But I don`t understand what to do to make this formula universal for any layout height. I have fixed mistake with height(don`t know how I didn`t notice it), but multiply by 2 works only for current layout height. I think it should be a kind of proportion to deal normally with every situation.

    Deviding in 1080 also works only for 2160 px height of layout.

    So, have you any ideas to upgrade this formula to work normaly with any layoutHeight, AllanR?

    I have also tried to replace '*2' with 'LayoutHeight/1080' to make a universal proportion, but it also works only for current size of layout.

    Updated project: drive.google.com/file/d/1XskHi_f3cqp5Z7d4K2z4Mxtj5SCouv-I/view

  • Can I somehow sort terms to see only contributions of one choosed translator?

  • I just ran verification again and there are still 131 problems: https://www.dropbox.com/s/25a5g4e4tq1zux6/uk-UA-2020-02-14.txt?dl=0

    These all look like mistakes added by Google Translate, which as I mentioned is an inappropriate tool to use and could well result in a nonsensical translation that fails review.

    Oh... It seems like one of my friends that I brought to the translation work started to use automatic translation... OK, I am going to try to talk to them about it.