Icefra's Forum Posts

  • 1 posts
  • Hello everyone. I'm creating a game with a friend but we are stuck. The basic logic is already done and now we are trying to implement Google Play's Leaderboards and the Sign-in system.

    The game is really simple. There is a Menu layout and from there you can choose between three game's modes. When we test the game the connection to Google Play is successful but every time we come back from one of the three modes to the menu the game automatically tries to reconnect to Google Play. Another issue which we are not able to solve is the Leaderboard. When we click on the Leaderboards' game icon nothing happens.

    Last but not least we are using the IAP plugin to remove ADS when the player decides to buy the ADS free version of the game and neither this is working.

    Thank you for yours reply.

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  • 1 posts