hoyoyo80's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Adjust HSL did the trick:) Thanks

  • Thanks, ijust curious if there is any built for this color cylcle as in shovel knight.Right now im using sprite animation and changing its color.


  • +1, need this too.

    Side Request: Any chance for permanent licence for c3?:P

  • Hi constructers

    The question as topic stated. Is there any quick way to do it? Or i need to manipulate color variable?

    If so, where do i start?


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  • Hi all,

    Im google around for rope that always swing for the player with platformer behaviour. All of it require physic, is there any way to setup non physic rope?

    I had tried physic rope, but to make it always swing look weird.

    Help me.Thanks

  • Work perfectly! Thanks

  • Hi Constructers!

    Im using C2, i planning to start a loop animation via keypress.

    This is what i do so far.

    1.Set boolean to trigger animation default false

    2.When keypress, set the boolean to true

    3.Event check if boolean is true, set animation to play.

    But animation dont play and loop as expected.

    What is wrong here.


  • OMG Thanks... I make a state for each action. Thanks:)

  • Hi constructers:) Im using C2

    I would love to ask one question.

    I plan to have a static enemy, that:

    1.At first rest(idle) and then

    2.Attack left side and back to rest

    3.Attack right side and back to rest.

    My mind cant think well right now, pls help me:)


  • im started to use C2 and follow justtt a bitttt of super mario bros tutorial on youtube. I successfully setting my character(one) and one ground. Its fairly quick to setup in C2 but when previewing in browser its lag a lot, pause when moving, pause during jumping.

    My machine is Amd X4 860k, Nvidia 550Ti,16GB on Windows 10.I do have other i7 machine but not worth trying since its only two sprite.

    Do i need tweaking at this stage?


  • Thanks..i know best way is to try it:) but i dont want to learn and then stuck at the same place as in AGK:P but Question 2 and 3 solved.

    What i want to achieve is something like this..

    Cannot get my head around to find out how the ball physic will do in this view Care to point this kind of view have been done here?


  • Hi all, Im coming from AppGameKit community but now interested on ease of 2d engine that C2 have. Since C2 is way expensive than my current engine i would like to ask a few thing.

    1. Im ever tried other engine/programming all in 3D(blitz3d,nuclearbasic,AGK) and currently making a tennis game in 3D which is initially plan in 2d. But i found out 2d is harder to programming my tennis game since it involve fake 3d depth so now my game is in 3d with fake pixel art textures. Can C2 make fake 3d depth game easier like tennis,soccer and classic beat'em up that can move inward screen?

    2. In AGK, i had problem with 2d collision with tiles,my player sometime got pass collision tiles(haha). I bet C2 hv better collision handling right?

    2. In AGK i can quick preview my game on phone/tablet. Can C2 do that?

    Hopefully C2 can become my new 2d engine:) and AGK for 3d:)


  • 12 posts